For 5 years of pregnancy protection, the IUD insertion wasn't bad. I took some ibuprofen before I went (not sure if that helped, but they said I could, so I did). It was very uncomfortable for about 1 minute.
I had my 6 week check (c-section), pap (I was due), breast exam, and IUD insertion all in about 10 mins. I just have to go back in a month for them to check the strings. But, other than that, I'm good for 5 years.
Oh, and my insurance covered it 100% (the IUD and the insertion). So, that is awesome.
Re: Update: the IUD insertion wasn't bad
I got the Mirena. I was a bit on the fence, but because it is just progesterone and only delivers the hormone to the uterus I got the Mirena. The benefit of no or just very light periods was very appealing to me. The Paraguard (copper) is known to make your periods heavier. That sounded like a PITA to me.
Plus, in 5 years, we still don't want another baby H will get snipped. We just didn't feel like it was a good idea to make that decision right now with everything going on.
We'll miss you sweet Debbie Girl (4.21.12) and sweet Cindy Girl (8.9.12)