DH and I are planning to exclusively CD our first LO. We are really excited about it and have no problem with whatever extra laundry we'll have because of this decision. We already don't use paper products in our home (napkins, paper towels, etc.) so we are used to washing our cloth versions of these things already. Of course they aren't covered in poop, but nothing about this process really phases us.
We are having a VERY HARD time finding people who are supportive of our decision to CD. Friends, Co-workers and (most) family all give us the same look of disgust when they hear about our decision and then proceed to place bets on how long it will last or point out every reason why it is "disgusting" to use CDs. I understand it isn't for everyone, and I don't try to preach to others about why they should make the same decisions in life that I do, so I expect that people show me the same respect and just be supportive, if nothing else.
It has gotten to a point where it really upsets me because it is just getting OLD having to explain my position on this. I've kinda gotten to a point where I just look at people and say, "Thanks for the support" when they start going on their own rant of why I SHOULDN'T do this or why it won't last. I'm wondering if any of you faced this same opposition and what did you do/say to others who made you feel bad about it?
Thanks ladies!
Well we just finished (what seemed like) our baby shower circuit and people realized that I didn't register for diapers. They kept asking what brand we were planning on using so they could supply us with an over abundance of disposible diapers. Eventually, I wrote it on the top of our registry so nobody showed up with a diaper cake and felt awkward about it once they realized it isn't something we're planning to use.
We haven't been shoving it down anyone's throats or anything, but when people ask (which is WAY more than I ever expected), we let them know that we will be using cloth instead. I don't see any other way to avoid the conversation... and actually, I don't think I want to AVOID it because people will eventually find out anyway. So whether it comes out now or when they visit and ask what is going on with DS's diaper and why it looks the way it does, it will be addressed at some point.
Why are you spending so much time discussing what your baby will sh!t in? I'm sure its fun to look forward to all the cute diapers, and you and YH are excited about your decision because of all of the positive benefits, but that doesn't mean otehrs will share your enthusiasm (which you get according to your post). So jsut don't bring it up. If they do then say "its what we've decided. we'll see how it goes" and then change the subject. The only people you really need to be discussing it wtih are caregivers.
I LOVE talking about CDing, but my IRL friends certainly do not share my enthusiasm. Thus my massive amount of time on this board. If you want to discuss CDing, you have to do so with people who "get it" - or expect to abng your head against a brick wall. That's my experience anyway.
History of IF and 2.5 years TTC. The day we were to start our first IUI we received a call that changed our lives forever and 10 month old Olivia joined our family. Shortly thereafter we got a surprise BFP and baby 2 is due July 5, 2012
DD1 born 5/24/10.
Missed M/C at 14 wks Feb 2012.
DD2 born 5/14/13.
Missed M/C at 9 wks July 2015.
I am so sorry you are dealing with this! I know it can be frustrating! We didn't decide to CD until about 5 months, and the few people I mentioned it to (my parents, siblings, etc) all said things that eluded to the fact that they thought I was off my rocker
Now, I thoroughly enjoy seeing my mom babble on about CD's to the other MiMi's
She loves it now.
Try not to stress
Ditto the people who said that you don't need their support. Just do it and someday they'll see their criticism doesn't count for anything. And not to sound preachy, but you're going to encounter A LOT of (likely) well-meaning people telling you you're doing it wrong. Friends, family, strangers - everyone is going to have an opinion on something. I find that it's important to be confident in your decisions and not worry about anyone else's opinions. You can't spend all your parenting days explaining why your baby isn't wearing a hat or breastfeeds or isn't eating cereal at 4 months or whatever. Be strong, be secure and don't let it phase you.
I will be totally honest and say that at my baby shower, when one of my friends mentioned she was going to CD, I said something along the lines of "let's see how long that lasts". (I didn't start CDing until 9 months.) It was douchey and I was ignorant - but I wasn't trying to be a d!ck. I just couldn't relate to it. And turns out, it didn't work for her. So I was thrilled when I got to buy her virtually un-used stash for a steal!
TTC since March '06
MFI, LPD, possible PCOS
3 chem pgs * m/c identical twins at 9w 10.06
IVF w/ICSI #2 - beta - 187! (9dp5dt), beta - 367! (11dp5dt)
IVF w/ICSI #3 - it's a girl!
My IF Blog: Between the Lines
My Parenting Blog: Letters From Your Mama
People gave me the "side eye" before I had DD, but once she was here, it was really no longer an issue. 99% of the time it's me, DH or DCP who changes her diaper, so it really doesn't come up too much. (My parents and ILs had no issues with it, though, especially after they saw how much easier it is now than it was in "their day.") A lot of people don't even realize we use CDs unless they happen to see her diaper sticking out of her pants!
Don't feel like you have to defend yourself. Just say "Well, this is what we chose. We'll see how it works out." And then, just ignore them. People LOVE to tell pg ladies "what it's really like" or "what you should really do" just to be annoying, I think.