North Carolina Babies


I miss embroidering.  I haven't embroidered anything in over 2 years!  I stumbled across a website with tons of cute ideas fot DS.  I am determined to make him a shirt this weekend.  I will let you know how it goes....

ugghhh, there are not enough hours in the day! 

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Re: Confession...

  • Have fun - be sure to share the result with us! I wish I was craftier...there are SO many fun ideas out there. I have so many ideas but no talent:)
    image Caleb is 3! 101 in 1001
  • and when you're done embroidering for him, I can give you some ideas on things to embroider for my child. ;-) I feel the same way about sewing! Darn life keeps getting in the way~!

    Katie, Duke Gardens, 6months


    Zach, Duke Gardens, 6months


    Photo courtesy from the amazing Ever You Photography!

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