DS poked himself in the eye and it did not hurt after the first couple minutes. But the blood vessels are red, not sure if he scratched it and assume that he did not because he says it does not hurt but I wanted to use the eye drops that we had from last time but all I could find was Vigamox. Is that ok for this situation? And of course I realize that people might say to go to a doctor but I know that all they will do is either say it is not scratched or give an antibiotic eye drop...unfortunately we have had this a few times over the years.
Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies
Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
Re: Bubbly - hoping you could answer a question
It's not going to hurt, but it's probably not going to help either.
Honestly, I would just try some natural tears drops to moisturize the area. Keep an eye on it, if it seems to get worse, then I would have it checked out. You don't want to mess with the eyes. But I think with a little extra moisture, that will help clear up any irritation/inflammation.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.