Cloth Diapering

XP: Fabric for CD's

I am looking to make my own fitted diapers as well as pockets.  I know I need PUL for the outer layer on the pockets and I believe microfleece for the inside.  What about the fitteds?  Also, I know there is a wider varierty of materials online, but I have a sizeable gift card to JoAnn's that I would like to burn up first.  Any recommendations you might have would be greatly appreciated!
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Re: XP: Fabric for CD's

  • for anything that's menat to be waterproof (ie the fitteds) use plyester thread rather than cotton. If you plan to put some pretty fabric outside the PUL, make sure its not cotton. For teh fitteds, none of that matters because its not waterproof anyway.  You can pretty much use any materials you want ath are absorbant.  Cotton or jersey knit on the outside and then several layers in the wetzone of something absorbant - jersey knit, flannel, terry cloth - you can really use pretty much anything for this event old towels or t-shirts.  Just avoid things like fleece as it won't soak up water. On the inside of the fitteds you can put fleece if you want a staydry layer, or you can put cotton, velour, flannel. Personally I wouldn't do flannel on that layer because it tends to get pilly.  I like velour or fleece - velour is so soft, and fleece keeps them nice and dry - although it doesn't matter if you will change them often and/or if you will use fleece liners.
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    History of IF and 2.5 years TTC. The day we were to start our first IUI we received a call that changed our lives forever and 10 month old Olivia joined our family. Shortly thereafter we got a surprise BFP and baby 2 is due July 5, 2012

  • Thank you!!  That is very helpful!
    *** Sisterwife with JenniferLuvsCandy! can't wait to meet your LO!***
    ***Congrats to Kristin15172004 on your adorable baby girl!***
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