
Random: Any taking or have taken LoEstrin FE BC Pills?

I ask because I've been on them for almost year since having my Mirena removed....and haven't had a period since.  In the beginning I freaked the fark out each month thinking "OH HELLLL TO THA NO!  I can't be pregnant!" but have since read that some people don't have periods on it.  Just wondering if anyone else has taken it and if so, have you had the same experience?
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Re: Random: Any taking or have taken LoEstrin FE BC Pills?

  • No. But I luuuuurve you- you sexy southern bell, you.

    Wow, 3 you's in one (sort of) sentence!

  • justEKjustEK member
    I'm getting ready to start lo loestrin for awful PMS and ovulation pain. I can only hope this happens to me. If it does, I may hump my gyn.
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  • Not to freak you out, thats the pill I got pg on.

    I took it religiously, as in within 5 minutes give or take, never skipped a day, never took antibiotics on it, and then one day, SURPRISE! He's now 4. Luckily we were in a position where we were ready for kids so it was a blessing in disguise.

  • MellyMel!  What up??!

    grja, NOT what I wanted to hear!!  That's one of my biggest fears!  While not having a period is awesome, it's also kind of alarming at the same time.  I'm used to it now and think nothing of it, but still, I.would.die. if I got pg again!  The thing about this pill is that I still have PMS/irritability and slight cramps like I'm gonna start but never so much as spot.  QUITE the opposite of the Mirena which made me cramp and spot every single day for MONTHS and MONTHS!  It wasn't for me!  Guess I'll see what the OBGYN says when I see her next month.  I loathe all forms of hormonal bc.  

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  • justEKjustEK member
    Did you have any side effects when starting it? I'm getting a little nervous since i just read it's only been on the market for 8 months.
  • imagejustEK:
    Did you have any side effects when starting it? I'm getting a little nervous since i just read it's only been on the market for 8 months.
    None that I've noticed.  I still have cramping around the middle of the pack and then again at the end of the pack but it's NOTHING like my normal ovulation and/or menstrual cramps.  I think my irritability about a week or two before the end of the pack is just typical PMS type of irritability and I recognize it as such.  Otherwise, that's it....and ZERO spotting or periods.  Weird! 
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