
s/o of preschool tv post

do you play with your kids all day long? Of course I interact with him all day and try to plan some art projects and activities but it's normal for him to play quietly with his toys right?? Sometimes I feel like I am asking him to do some horrible thing... ot at least he'd make me think I am. My goal right now is to teach him to play camly

Re: s/o of preschool tv post

  • OK, I just saw you only have one preschooler.  It does help when they're old enough to play with each other. My first child has a hard time playing alone; she needs her brother, and before he could play with her, she always wanted me to play with her.  But DS (#2) will be play well by himself, probably because he's used to not always being entertained by me.
  • Ds1 would love to play with me all day long. Ds2 is much better at independent play, as pp suggested. Ds1 is used to routine, so he does great at playing by himself in his room during "quiet time" but other than that he loves my attention. He'll plsy pretend in his own in spurts or do a craft while I cook.
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  • Nope. Our house really only has one main living room, so I'm always with them and talking with them, but they play together most of the day. My decision to have them 2 years apart exactly has finally paid off. They're eachother's built-in playmate.
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  • Um, heck no. A good part of them never knowing life without siblings, I guess. I read to them, do projects with them, play games, do puzzles, take them on walks, but I'm not here to entertain them.
  • No, but DS1 would love if I would.  And DS2 would love it if I would carry him (in fact he insists upon it).  They both play independently pretty well though.  DS1 went through a phase (which he still sometimes goes back to) where he would constantly whine about me playing with him... now he plays on his own and involves me from time to time (e.g., brings me food he made in his kitchen) and I play along when I can or want to.  I think you are doing the right thing.
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