these are our top three boy names right now....
1. i need some middle name suggestions...we are not set on using a family name for the mn but ones we can work with are: james, david, davis, jon, kyle
2. do you like them
3. similar suggestions?
A. Sutton
B. John David (double name, will need a short middle name as we have a 2 syllable last name)
C. Colby
Re: top three boys....
Baby Boy born sleeping at 20 weeks.
Mommy's little helper
Sutton is a last name. I could give it a pass if it were a family name of significance.
I like John David - as first/middle. You can still call him John David.
Colby is a cheese.
This is what my parents did: Mary (FN) Elizabeth (Middle) but I was called Mary Elizabeth my whole life. Makes filling out forms easier and saves you confusion and, let's face it, from a pointlessly long name.
I agree completely. I really like Sutton and i like Colby James or Davis. I'm not really a fan of John David either
Love John David
Colby is a cheese
and Sutton is a last name
this exactly
this exactly
HATE John David. I really think you're dooming your id if you do that to him.
I don't mind Sutton.
Nothing wrong with John David. It's a first and middle name. Just use both. However, I did get my hair cut at a "John David salon" in Paris.
I like Sutton. I also like Sawyer. I know a Colby, but it seems kind of dated, like Cody. Also... reminds me of cheese.
Samantha Skye - Aug 30, 2006 AND Maxwell Griffin - April 14, 2009
I actually love the name Sutton, even though it may typically be a last name. Funny that you mention that though b/c in the area where I'm from, Adair is a very common last name. Not being snarky, just thought it was interesting you mentioning that. Just goes to show that names and people's perceptions of names vary from area to area. I happen to love LNs as FNs, including Adair.
I will agree with the other 2 statements though. I'm not a fan of the double first name? and although I know several boys named Colby, it still makes me think of cheese. JMO good luck!