TTC after 35

not going crazy about the 2ww!!

for the 1st time in a long time (10 mos) i am not anxious about the 2ww, because i am supposed to get an HSG once AF arrives and waiting for dh's SA to come back,  i feel like that will shed some light on what's going on, anyway, it feels so nice not to be stressing about am i or am i not preggo, i am so relaxed i forgot how nice it feels. little thoughts of maybe all this relaxation will be the trick to getting me knocked up but i push that out of my head quick!

anyway, just thought i would share.....god i feel like i am high as i write this, i should do medation or something so i can feel like this all the time!

BabyFruit Ticker Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Re: not going crazy about the 2ww!!

  • ote]


    OMG!  I LOVE the pool in your photo.  Please share!  Where did you find it?  I love frogs!  I wonder if they have frogs!!!

  • Hope your 2ww is peaceful, pleasant and your relaxed vibes continue...I'll be up soon for my 2ww ---I completely understand how it is....
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