...on a name, MH decides to drop a bomb on me! When I first got pregnant we wanted a traditional Irish name bc MH is Irish. We searched and couldnt find ANYTHING we could agree on so we decided that maybe it wasnt in the cards for LO to have an Irish name. We decided on Jaxson Robert months ago. MH wasnt in love with it at first but he didnt hate it and it was the only name we could agree that we both liked. I have always referred to the baby as Jax so I feel like its part of him even though he's not born yet. The other day MH come home and says "I've got it!....Kellen Robert". Its an Irish name, and I do like it, I've heard it before and think its unique, but Im not in love with it. Ive been so used to calling the baby Jax and thinking his name would be Jaxson, I'm a little closed off to other suggestions. He says that his friends and family love it and now like it better than Jaxson. My family and friends like Jaxson better so now I bring it to you ladies! One of these names will win. Jaxson Robert or Kellen Robert.....AND GO!!!

Re: Just when I thought we had settled.....(kinda long)
This is tough. While *I* prefer Kellen to Jaxson, I can understand why you feel like Jaxson is his name - you've been calling him that for months.
My reason for disliking Jaxson is strictly a personal thing - I knew a douche who ruined the name (mature, I know).
Sorry you're having this issue right now, especially since you assumed it was settled. Try to leave the families out of the discussion - it will only create more tension.
I prefer Kellen.
While Jax is a cute nickname or could be a good name on its own, I don't care for "Jaxson" at all.
IMHO there's no comparison, Kellen.
I hate substituting letters in names (Xs and Ys). Jackson is a name. Jaxon/Jaxson is NMS.
DD1, Kathleen 9/15/2007
Kellen definitely. Jaxson just looks like Jackson misspelled to me. Even if you were to call him Jax for short, I would still spell it Jackson.
Personally I like Kellen better, I think it is a really nice name. (plus, Jackson/Jaxon/Jaxson seems to be getting so popular lately, I have two friends who just named their son's this).
However, I can totally understand being attached to your little "Jaxson", only to start thinking about changing his name. We have been calling our LO Grace and we love it, I cannot imagine having to change it; it would be like it is a whole new baby.
That is really a tough call. Just remember this kid is going to have this name forever (which you obviously know), so I don't even know what I would do if I were you. (yeah, I am not much help.....).
Good luck!
I love the name Kellan and would totally use it if it wasn't too similar to my last name that also starts with a K. My DH is also Irish. So, my vote is Kellen!
After 3 failed Clomid+TI cycles, DD was conceived with IUI#1
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I am partial to the name Jaxson as that is DS name and we call him Jax, I think you should go with your gut on this one
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This, exactly.
Jaxson makes me cringe.
Kellen by a mile! It's unique without being weird, and is an Irish name which is what you were originally looking for. I think Kellen is an awesome choice.
I agree with PP's for the reasons why I dislike Jaxson (the spelling and popularity of the name, I know 4 boys under age 5 with the name Jackson).
That being said, it must be hard to imagine another name choice after calling your LO Jax for so long, but I really would try to keep an open mind on this one.
Agree with this completely!
My DH did the same thing. I thought we had decided on Adalynn, I go buy the letters to put over her crib and he says something like I didnt think we made a final decision. He had even called her Adalynn once before He likes Myla. But I have been thinking of her as Adalynn and cant imagine naming her anything else right now.
I think think you should go with Jaxson. I think I like it better and that is what you have been calling him or thinking of him as.
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If I had a vote it would be Kellen by a long shot.
Honestly, that's what you were striving for in the beginning of your name-hunt so you likely won't regret the change long-term. Though, I do understand how it would be weird to make a switch after thinking of him as Jax for months.
Leave your families totally out of it, and if popularity or side-eyes for spelling don't bother you then leave that out of it, too. You and your husband have to love it and be happy with what you decide for the rest of your DS's life. Keep an open mind and talk through the reasons why you both liked Jaxson and the reasons why you might not love it, and do the same with Kellen. Stop referring to him as just "Jax" or else you might not ever be able to truly have an open mind about the two names. Try switching to something neutral like "baby boy" while you and your husband talk it out. Or try calling him Kellen and see if it grows on you some. And like a PP said, you might have to wait until after meeting him and then you can both decide if he's your little Kellen or Jaxson.
I like Jaxon, but if you are going to spell it with an X it doesn't need the S.. The X takes the place of the CKS in Jackson so the S just looks weird with the X.
Spontaneous pregnancy #1
DD1 July 31, 2011
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MH's middle name is Robert so that wouldnt change
This. And I think Kellen is a really cool name. Keep saying it, see how it sounds to you. And I think you should completely disregard if your families like either name, it's not their baby.
I prefer Kellen. I'm very much in the spelling camp. Additionally, a great aunt of mine has this horrible talking bird named Jax, and that thing could not be more annoying.
I like the name Kellen for the traditional Irish feel. We're giving our kids gaelic names, and I really like the tradition.
But I like Cactus' suggestion of taking them both to the hospital. Ultimately it doesn't matter what I or the rest of the bump thinks - name him what you want! Just know you don't have to settle until you fill out that birth certificate, and even after that some parents still change their minds!
My thinking exactly. We'll be doing the same with the two names we like.
I like both those names equally I think. Jaxson is more modern than Jackson, but he will have to go through his life spelling it for people, and IMO is not too professional. But by all means, if you like it, go for it. My name is Liisa (with the 2 i's. It's Finnish after my grandmother) and obviously I always have to spell it for people. In kindergarten, my teacher actually docked points off my work for thinking that I spelled my name wrong. My mom had to correct her several times. I absolutely love the way my name is spelled, and sometimes it can get really annoying to have to spell (and respell to the same person sometimes multiple times) my name, but I honestly wouldn't have it any other way.
I love Finnegan! I suggested it to DH, and he gave a big no