I'm watching Juno [I watched 16 and Pregnant earlier, apparently I'm in a 'pregnant teen mood' today] and just paused it on a frame that shows a script for a TV commercial. It's for a microwaveable kid's meal, Brunch Bowlz, and it says
"And Bowls is spelled with a z on the end. How extreme!"
Is that what parents think when they 'tweak' the spelling of their kids' names?
Re: Sort of name-related
S/O of your topic...
Ever notice how they give characters in movies and TV shows names that are popular for babies and young kids. For example, Addison as a thirty-something surgeon (Grey's Anatomy)? Or, Aidan as a thirty-something furniture designer (SATC)? etc.
I hate it.
Another thing that bothers me is the opposite of that, like in Mean Girls. I just cannot imagine a popular teenager in this millenium named Regina. To me, someone named Regina should be my mom's age.
Or does it happen the other way around? I noticed the occurance of Aidans started going up after that character became popular. Maybe it works both ways.
Burned by the Bear
I think the character in Mean Girls is named Regina George as a play on King George (the tyrant).
Baby Name Popularity by State
Actually, I think the name Aidan started to become popular because of Aidan on SATC. I think the same may be true of Addison. I had never heard of it as a name before that show. I also think that Emma's surge in popularity has to due with Rachel and Ross's baby on Friends. Basically, I think you have the trend backwards.
SATC began in 1998; Aidan made big strides before 1998 according to Behind the Name:
Behind the Name: Popularity for Aidan
Same goes for Addison and Grey's Anatomy which started in 2005:
Behind the Name: Popularity for Addison