
Recommend first Dollhouse for DD

I am thinking of a dollhouse for Emelia for christmas.  Are the ones for a 2 year old worth it?  Or should I wait until she is a little older? 

She is starting to really like playing with her baby dolls and the little people sets.  So if there are good dollhouses for this age, which one would you recommend?  I saw the little tikes one, but didnt see furniture to go with it.

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Re: Recommend first Dollhouse for DD

  • Not sure but glad you posted this as we're thinking of getting dd one for Christmas. ?I like the looks of the Loving Family Fisher Price one but not sure. ?Hope you get some responses!
  • I am going to buy my DD Fisher Price's My First Dollhouse.  I don't think she's ready for a real doll house until she is 3.


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  • DD#1 loves the Little People Doll house.  It comes with a Mommy, Daddy, little girl and baby (which is right for our house) and a few pieces of furniture - a bed and a table, I think - but you don't really need much..  And some things (like the phone, potty, computer, etc.) make noises when the little people "use" them.  She's been playing with that since a little before she turned 2.  I got it from someone with a 5-year-old who had outgrown it and was getting a bigger one, but she played with it at least until 4 or 5 so I figure it will last a few years.  I'm waiting until she's older for a "real" one but I really want to get a nice one for the girls when they're old enough.
  • my dd got the FP little people one last year for x-mas and she was 2 years old. she loved it and played with it a lot. I think it's a great starter. wait til she's at least 3 to get one of the wooden ones.
  • We got dd the Grand Loving Family by Fisher Price for Christmas and all the rooms and extra pieces.  It was a small fortune! 
  • I'm late replying, but we got dd the Caring Corners: Mrs. Goodbee dollhouse for her birthday on Sunday. She loves her dollhouse! It was expensive because it didn't come with furniture. You have to buy those sets separately. It was definitely worth it though. She loves it!
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