We've tried EVERYTHING! 4 different types of diaper cream, fleece diaper inserts to keep the wetness away from his skin, a natural PH spray, different cloth diaper detergents!! I don't know what to do! The only thing that helps is putting him in disposable diapers!! Am I going to have to give up the cloths? I'm using Bumgenius 4.0 & Fuzy Buns. I completely eliminated the infant prefolds because they were the worse for diaper rash (holding all the moisture directly on his skin). Anyone else have this problem?
Re: Anyone else experiencing Chronic Diaper Rash?
He could very well have a sensitivity to the microfleece that's a liner in both of those. I would try putting him in the FB exclusively for a while, and then in the BG.
Or, if you have any, completely natural fiber diapers to eliminate the microfleece all together.