Hi Ladies! I don't post here too often, usually over on 2IF, but I have a question that only you can answer...
Would you hire someone to plan an at-home birthday party for your DC, as an alternative to booking an outside place, if the cost were the same?
For a long time the lack of birthday options in the area where I live (used to live, and will be moving back to in September) has bothered me. Also, I LOVE planning parties. It's a passion. I create parties just to have something to plan. There are a lot of parties around here that are booked at the same-old-places, and some home parties that are just playdates with cake. I'm thinking I could offer something different & exciting, yet simple and cost-effective. Just need opinions... would something like this intrigue you?
Thanks so much for your thoughts!
Re: Birthday Party Question
DD -- 5YO
DS -- 3YO
A birthday party at this age is beyond simple.
They don't need anything planned or even any activities to have a good time. You may think they're boring but the kids have a blast at a "play date with cake".
If you've got a crazy high end community that would support a party planner for young kids then go for it but I know that even the upper middle class families around here wouldn't spring for something like that.
I'm sure what you would offer would be an amazing party but I just don't think most people would be interested in going to those lengths for a kids birthday party unless they're insanely wealthy and use party planners for other areas of their lives already.
Total score: 6 pregnancies, 5 losses, 2 amazing blessings that I'm thankful for every single day.
The idea of paying someone to plan a four-year old's birthday party is laughable to me. And I don't mean I'm laughing at you for enjoying planning parties or looking for a way to turn your interests into a career - I just cannot imagine spending my money on something like that.
Then again, I don't pay to have her parties held elsewhere. I make all of the food and the cake, I make and buy the decorations myself and it's all held in my home. Once she's older I can see the occasional outside-of-the-home party to paint pottery or roller skate or duckpin bowling, but that still won't be the norm. I enjoy celebrating my daughter each year, but I have no intention of letting her parties turn into lavish over-the-top affairs.
Thanks for the input ladies. Like many of you, I would never have someone else do my party - I do a much better job myself. And it makes me sick to think of paying Chuck-e-Cheese or something. I can't stand those filthy places.
So, it does sound like you would not be my target clients; SAHM, crafty, with time & interest to put into planning a party.
I guess I'm looking to target moms who are always trying to one-up their friends parties (happens all the time here), Moms who are looking for something new and different, and who don't have creative ability/time/interest in doing something themselves. Not being that way myself, I find it hard to relate, but I do live in an area where nannys (excuse me, "au pairs") are chosen before the baby is born.
I don't think I'd have to clean beforehand, because they'd just have their cleaning service in the day before. I could offer post-party pick-up service as an add-on I guess. Not really thrilled with that idea though, I have to say.
Just for reference, this is the kind of thing I'm looking to create for these Moms. My party packages would include everything including invites, addressed and mailed, custom cake, decor and sweet table setup & supplies, activity or craft, party photographer, favors and pre-addressed thank you notes:
Girl Party
Boy Party
Any additional input is welcome, and Thanks Again for your time!
"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
Miracle DD born 12.2005
TTC #2 since Dec 2008 w/ PCOS
***P/SAIF Always Welcome***
Keep it Natural, Baby!
It sounds like your area is better-suited to this type of service than mine would be, which is good for your goal. You may want to consider Etsy as well for at least part of the services you mentioned. I have gone there for inspiration and/or to purchase decorations when I feel like I want something that's outside of my talent or abilities (ie: I am not a graphic designer - I order custom birthday party invitations every year).
As an aside, I'll be 31 next spring and I totally want that Fairy Garden Party.
You are dead on that there IS a target audience for it -- working moms, wealthier moms. I would look to both groups. I would create a fun and basic one that can appeal to your average working mom (maybe losing the photographer or other stuff). And then the fancier ones for the wealthy moms. I would also consider pairing with a cleaning lady or service for pre- and post- clean up and even serving staff as well. With the wealthier moms, an environmentally friendly cleaning crew might be appealing. You could keep a portion of their fee as a referral fee with no minimum referrals.
DD -- 5YO
DS -- 3YO
"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
Miracle DD born 12.2005
TTC #2 since Dec 2008 w/ PCOS
***P/SAIF Always Welcome***
Keep it Natural, Baby!
For me, I wouldn't. But when I lived in Las Vegas many of my friend would LOVE LOVE LOVE a service like this. It was not unheard of to hire a coordinator for a party. I think if you are in an area like that and you market yourself well you can definitely succeed. I agree w/pp's that it will be important to include services such as post-clean up and you will need LOTS of themes. Also perhaps you could market yourself that if they have a theme idea you can plan an upscale elaborate party around that b/c you will inevitably have a little girl who wants a Disney Princess party and the mother doesn't want cheesy princess stuff all over her home.
PS: How is everything? I need to check in on the Secondary IF board... I miss you ladies!
We've done parties at home and at a different locations. I've always done them myself cause it's more gratifying to me. We had our older son's 4th birthday at Chuck E Cheese and it was WELL WORTH THE MONEY! No clean up, no cooking, no need to do anything but show up. It was not filthy like some of you might think (nobody got sick). My son came to us and said "I feel like a king today!" and the smile he had on his face was well worth it! We are having our second son's 3rd birthday at Chuck E Cheese next month in Georgia while visiting my family. Can't wait to see his little face light up! This year for DS1's 5th birthday, we're having it at an indoor play place.
So, we like to change it up every now and then. I wouldn't hire a party planner, because that's the highlight of my year is to plan my kids' birthday parties.
I am having issues with the constant reference to the working mom vs the SAHM thing in this. Sorry but as a busy working mom, I would still never pay for a party like this for my kids. I think the huge difference in who would pay for a service like this has to do way more with money (or lack of) than with working vs non-working. I know a ton of moms/dads who both work who make the time to be creative and do great at home parties on their own. Loved the party ideas on the web site and your stuff is great but I (working mom) would never pay for that type of party for my kids. Maybe for a sweet 16 but for an average party - sorry but way over the top. I don't know any of my friends that would either. Now maybe, my sisters kids friends (they go to a private school where a ton of money floats around) would and those are a ton of SAHMs.
Hi Ladies,
I'm sort of hoping to have the last word here, lest this become an issue. I agree that this is not a "working mom" vs SAHM thing. I have been both in my DDs 5.5 years, and I would never have anyone else plan her party. She's my baby, I love planning parties, and I love her = I'll DIY, thank you. I've known full+ time working moms who throw GREAT parties, personalized t-shirts for each kid included. But, I've known other moms, both working and SAHMs who have no interest, no time, no creative ability to plan a party, which is why so many of us are attending the same party at the same place, over an over again, but for different kids. (I hate going to other kids parties - DH and I have to trade off.) Its to those Moms I'd like to offer an option. It has much more to do with the kind of person/types of interests the Mom has, and nothing to do with her working status or love for her child. *However, it does indeed have a lot to do with money available for birthday parties, and that crosses the spectrum of working mom vs sahm.
I thank you all again for your input. I'll be going back to the drawing board, and hopefully I'll come up with a feasible business plan. Thanks again to all!
"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
Miracle DD born 12.2005
TTC #2 since Dec 2008 w/ PCOS
***P/SAIF Always Welcome***
Keep it Natural, Baby!