I had an u/s last week and baby was estimated to be 8lbs 4oz (at the time, I was 35w5d). My OB has been supportive of my VBAC, but she said that if I haven't gone into labor on my own by 39 weeks, we will have to "have a serious chat about reconsidering the VBAC". So, I need some ammo in case we do have this discussion. What are my options, here?
If it makes a difference, here's some background info:
-The reason for my c/s was failure to progress - never dilated past 4, baby's head was cocked sideways.
- My son was born at 37w6d
- I have recently (in the past few weeks) developed hypertension and am on beta blockers for it.
Also, I live in an area with no local ICAN chapter, so I can't really look there for guidance.
Re: Help me stick to my guns!
There's no way to confirm macrosomia until after the baby comes out. Was your son really large, which might make macrosomia more likely? Why 39 weeks? You can definitely request non-stress tests every few days to keep an eye on the baby. I had one, and refused the u/s portion of it (if the NST is good, then the whole AFI check with an u/s is unnecessary). I would also refuse anymore sizing u/s. I don't know anything about hypertension, but I would imagine if medication is controlling it, then it's okay to keep being pregnant? You could also ask about gentle induction methods (foley bulb, nipple stimulation) instead of a RCS. Oh, aaaand take someone else with you for mental reassurance! I had my DH on reserve as my spokesman if I needed him
hth and good luck!
DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)
You can do it!! I had lost all hope of a VBAC because my first got stuck in my pelvis and by 39 weeks, 5 days with my second I had no sign of labor starting, and all I could think was every day the baby was getting bigger and bigger. My second baby was also very poorly positioned, which can be as big of a factor to a successful delivery as size. But at 39 weeks, 6 days I delivered my baby vaginally, a week before my scheduled RCS. Point is...you never know until you try.
Also...I realized that even if a VBAC wasn't successful , waiting til I went into labor was better because a.) chances are much more likely that baby was ready to be born if my body went into labor on its own and b.) trial of labor releases many hormones that are good for the baby and make the transition to the world easier, even if it ends in c/s.
I second the idea of scheduling a c/s for 41 weeks to put your doctor at ease. Stay strong!!
Thanks ladies!
To answer some of your questions, my son was only 6lbs 13oz when born at 37w6d, so he was not big at all. I would love to take lots of walks, but I'm on modified bed rest because of my high BP, so I can't really do that. I have been sitting on the exercise ball a lot, though. I am having weekly NSTs and have been for two weeks now to keep an eye on baby that way. My doctor said we probably won't do any more ultrasounds.
I am leaning toward telling her that I'll schedule the c/s for 41 weeks, but I don't think I'll bring it up until I hit that 39 week point. If I have him before that, then the whole thing is moot, so hopefully we won't have to worry about it.
She really is VBAC friendly, but not excessively so. I think she'll go along with what I want, but she'll also put her two cents in and let me know what she thinks. I just have to be prepared to advocate for myself.