So I've convinced my husband to redo our living room completely. Like getting new furniture and curtains and painting and stuff. Now we are trying to figure out what colors to do. Right now our furniture is brown and our walls are red and so are our curtains. It was like that when we came here. The walls are NOT my type. So, I'm looking to get ideas. What's your living room colors?
My Wonderful Sister is my GC!!!!
3 IUIs, 2 unmedicated, 1 50mg of Clomid = All BFNs
Next step IVF!!!!
Melinda & Michael
God Bless The Broken Road
Re: NIFVR: What color is your living room?
The walls in my living room are a pale yellow and the decor is mostly blue and green.
Go DH! I can't get mine to do anything!! GL!
TTC since March 2009 // Me and DH - 28
Testing Summer/Fall 2010 - Unexplained IF
IUIs #1-4 ~ Clomid/Ovidrel/TI/IUI ~ all BFNs
IUI #5 ~ Femara/Ovidrel/TI/IUI ~ BFN
IUIs #6-9 ~ Research Study Meds/Pregnyl/TI/IUI ~ all BFNs
IVF Consultation, More Testing
Diagnostic Cycle ~ Mucinex/Progesterone/TI ~ BFN
IVF #1 ~ Menopur/Bravelle/Ganirelix/Novarel/Progesterone/Lupron
7R, 6F // 2 transferred // 3 frosties ~ BFN
FET #1 ~ Estrace/PIO/Lupron
3 thawed // 2 transferred // 1 lost // no more frosties ~ BFP!!
Beta #1 - 456 // Beta #2 - 1176 // Beta #3 - 2933 // Beta #4 - 6753
EDD: May 16, 2013
Bedrest for SCH // 6w2d through 10w1d
Elevated TSH and Lazy Thyroid DX @ 10w - Started Synthroid
Finally released from RE at 13w
~~ My IF Blog ~~
It sounds awful but it really is very pretty..our living room is a antique gold color. We have very dark wooden fixtures (fireplace, arch way/shelving unit), baseboards and flooring and also very high ceilings with nearly floor to ceiling windows and we have very dark rose colored long silk curtains.
I love the color scheme in here!
TI, IUIs, IVF = c/ps and BFNs
IVF 1 April 2011 - Cancelled
IVF 1.5 July 2011 - MC
IVF 2 October 2011 - BFP!
*Identical Twin Boys born June 2012*
Here we go again...IVF 3 is underway!
Currently pg with our 1st after 6.5 yrs of IF (thank you IVF)
My IF/Everything Blog
There's No Crying in Baseball
***My posts are always SAIFW**
since we're still stuck in our apt, there's nothing i can do with the walls LOL walls are wood paneling, light brown...we have oak finished coffee table/end tables, and the sofas are khaki/olive green/brick red plaid, wingback chair is khaki/red flowered, earthy neutral tones...can't wait to find a house!!!
GL on the living room!
Happily Wed DH in May 2010
June 2012: DD#1 born after countless fertility cycles, our 4 year old miracle
TTC #2: current cycle: 225iu Menopur for 4 weeks, Ovidrel Trigger= BFP! Beta #1; 333, Beta #2 713! 1st u/s showed TWINS (7/18)
Ours is a khaki beige with white trim and lots of brown leather and walnut wood- brightened up with denim cushions and colorful pillows on the couch and blue armchairs.
Recent picture, but it's at night and so darker and it actually feels.
Older picture (before we got the flatscreen TV, thanksgiving a couple years ago) that shows that it's very bright with sunlight through the huge window.
Friends for 15 years. Married 8. TTC since January 2009
2010 Diagnosis: Anovulation and Severe MFI
2011 Treatment:
IVF w/ICSI #1 Antagonist: 2 blasts - c/p - BFN 04.22
FET #1: 1 blast/1 early blast - BFP 06.22 - m/c 06.30 @6w0d
07-11 RPL: MTHFR C677T Heterozygous & Slightly elevated ACLA IgM
FET #2: 1 morula - BFN: 9.02
January '12: IVF #2
Started BCP and Metformin (New!) 12-14 for stimming in January
Dum spiro, spero.
?SAIF/PAIF/PgAL/PAL always welcome?
Ours is sage green with burgundy furniture/curtains and cherry wood furniture. The rest of our house is oatmeal color, so DH made me pick a color for the living room walls.
GL picking out colors....I think its fun, but stressful at the same time!
The walls are a really light chocolate color. VERY light. and the accent wall is a white chocolate.
Our furniture is an olive green couch, 2 decorative chairs with the same olive and a reddish/rust color, an oak china cabinet, the end table and dresser are a dark wood color. The carpet is a Persian throw rug that's matches the couch. Our curtains are crocheted at the top and sheer at the bottom. We just have a bay window in the living room.
TTC #2 since June '08
~*DD 10.21.07*~
dx unexplained
IUI #1-4 BFN
IVF#1 June 2011 BFN
IVF#2 Dec 2011
Beta#1 12/21 : 812 Beta#2 12/23 : 1634
EDD 8/25
We have the walls painted a color called "cliffrock" which is a brown-ish/stony color and then we a dark red (more blue red than orange-y red) accent wall where the fireplace is. Our windows have bamboo wood roman shades (no curtains).
Me: 32 - Stage II Endo / DH: 36 - Low count and morphology (1%)
IUIs 1-3 BFN, lap Dec. 2010, IUIs 4-6 BFN
IVF w/ICSI #1 - ER 2/8: 24R 19M 9F ET 2/13 2-5 day blasts (no frosties) = BFP - b/g twins!
E & C Born 10/19/2012