I am trying to BF LO2 (was unable to do so w/ my first)
Having major latching issues. So I have to try to get her on for 10-20 minutes, pump for 10-20 minutes then bottle feed her expressed milk.
My mom is here this week, which makes it all possible. But what am I going to be able to do (realistically) when I am here on my own.
My son is BF and will be on whole milk within a month (so at least I am not trying to BF two babies)
If you have succesfully BF with Two under 2 (or Two under 1), can you please share any tips and/or your daily routine.
Anything would be of help. (I am freaking out a little bit)
Re: Breastfeeding: Is it possible?
Maybe repost this on the BF board, but bottle feeding may cause your DD not to have to learn to latch. If she can just get it easy from the bottle, she doesn't have to learn to nurse (which does take time to learn for both mommy and baby). But your baby DOES have to eat, so do what you have to do.
Have you seen a Lactation consultant (LC)? She might be able to help you with the latching issues and give you some tips about BF. Nursing is hard in the beginning, and they nurse very frequently (much more than formula).
GL! Nursing does take commitment, but it is so worth it! And becomes easier than the bottle after about 2 months.
Matthew Kevin
Met 1/8/00
Engaged 4/21/06
Married 9/29/07
Two beautiful legacies: Noah Matthew (2 yrs) and Chloe Marcella (8 mos)
Day Three
I'm so sorry you're having issues. I'd recommend seeking the advice of a LC, or even maybe a LLL member in your area. I didn't have latch issues with either baby, so I'm not much help in terms of advice.
Once you have the latch figured out, it's TOTALLY possible. DD was BF until she weaned right around a year, and DS is still nursing, though he's starting to wean. I'm planning to keep nursing until he switches to milk, because I'm mostly lazy and don't feel like cleaning bottles.
While I nursed DS in the early days, I gave DD books, toys, a snack and would sit on the ground at her level, so she felt like I was still present and playing with her. (I just used a ton of pillows to support my back.) I did a lot of verbal playing with her, like, "Oh, you're playing with your blue and red blocks! Can you stack a tower?" It took some time, but she got used to me nursing DS when I needed to. Good luck to you!!