Cloth Diapering

Q for those of you who use Sbish snappless fitteds at night...

How many do you have? If I am doing wash every 2-3 days I'm trying to figure out how many I should have. 3 or 4? We rarely do middle-of-the-night diaper changes. We'll be using these ONLY for night time. Thanks!
Mom to J (10), L (4), and baby #3 arriving in July of 2015

Re: Q for those of you who use Sbish snappless fitteds at night...

  • 2.  2 - 3 is probably ideal if that is what you are exclusively using and you are washing every other day.  If you wash ever 3 days I'd have 4 to be safe.  We sometimes use others at night so 2 is fine for us. 
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  • I think I have 4-6. But, I had them before we started using them at night. I'd probably have 4 anyway if I was washing every other day. Last night DS pooped right before I put him down.
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  • We have four and one GM good.night. We probably don't need so many overnight diapers, but it's nice to not ever run out. You can start with 3 and get the 4th if you need it.
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  • We have 3 and one more on the way because 3 isn't enough for us.  We sometimes have to use our lone BSRB for overnight and even then sometimes we run out of night worthy diapers and have to quadruple stuff something else.  I think 5 would be ideal to me but then again I always overbuy when it comes to diapers :)
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