
If you have vacationed with LO, what did you forget?

We're vacationing with DD for the first time (out of town) this summer and I'm making lists now to make sure I dont forget anything.

Can you list stuff that you forgot but realized you needed later? Stuff that you wish you packed? I want to make sure my list is thorough.

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Re: If you have vacationed with LO, what did you forget?

  • With the exception of medicine, we pack with the understanding that if we forget something, we can likely purchase it when we get there.  Of course, that may not be the case if you are going out of the country or camping somewhere remote, but we haven't done that yet.

    I always pack a new toy, a new book, and a new puzzle when we go away.  DS doesn't even know about it until I pull it out when I feel it's time. 


    David "BD" 2/8/07 Spencer 9/12/11
  • The one thing I always forget and wish I brought is our booster seat that goes on the chair.  It's one of those Fisher Price ones with the tray.  It is SO much easier to have something to strap them into when we are trying to eat, and the booster is small enough that it isn't a pain to bring it.  That is, of course, if you aren't going to be eating out all the time.

    Anything else, like the basic essentials, I figure if I forget it, I can just buy it.  Diapers, snacks, toothbrushes, swim suits, etc.


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  • Since I don't vacation in Antarctica, I just buy stuff that I forget when I get there. The only things that are truly critical are loveys. Beyond that, anything can be bought at the destination.
    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • It's easy to come up w/ a list of basics.  Think about some of your "convienences".

    For example, we always take our baby monitor w/ us.  This allows us some flexibilty in how we set DS up, where we can hang out, etc.  We don't have to worry about not hearing him.

    On that same front, we always take our little fan w/ us. We always like to create white noise so that other noises won't wake him.  When we went to Mexico last year, our bathroom was HUGE.  And the toilet was in it's own little room w/in the bath.  As such, we set up his PNP each night in the shower (again, HUGE), put a blanket around the sides so that he couldn't see out, set up the fan, and because of this set up- we could watch TV in our room and move around w/o waking him, and when we needed to use the toilet, it was easy to sneak in and use it w/o disturbing him. 

    Being in a resort in Mexico - I don't think it would have been easy to buy a monitor or fan! ;) 

    "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
    ~Benjamin Franklin

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10

  • Diapers:)  Good thing my sister was there and her DD wore the same size.  I generally forget the obvious things. 
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  • we always seem to forget bibs and toothbrushes.  I know we can buy them at our destination but it is still irritating. 
  • I agree with the others that you can usually buy what you forget- although that can be pricey depending on where you are going (I once spent $20 on 20 diapers at a resort). Just stick to the basics- loveys, diapers, clothes, medicine.

    My classic move is to have more than I need for the kids and forget obvious stuff for me!

    Rebecca- mom to 3 kids: DS born 2005, DD born 2007 and DS born 2010.
  • Speakers for our iPod so he could hear the lullabies he falls asleep to everynight.
  • extra, extra clothes!  We have vacationed twice where I wished I would have bought more clothes.

    also once i wished I would have brought the potty seat and forgot 

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