
Was that post about noisy walkers deleted?

I tried to go back and see responses, but can't find it? I want a follow up on that one.

Re: Was that post about noisy walkers deleted?

  • ugh - yes it was. This morning I was replying with an update and responding to D&R's last reply but deleted it to start over because I realized I misunderstood her reply and I ended up deleting the whole freaking post!   I was going to hit the back button and just C/P into a new post, but didn't know if anyone really cared enough about the situation to do that, so I just left it alone.

    Anyway,  I had always planned on talking with the walkers about their volume.  I know some posters on here didn't understand how they were so loud, but I swear, it sounds like they are practically yelling right next to our bedroom windows.    (And I don't agree that having DS wear earplugs to bed was a good solution. :) )

    Regardless, my WWYD question was on whether you would/I should address the content of the conversation that I overheard.   After the replies to the post (thanks, btw to those who replied), I realized that addressing their judgmental remarks would not change their feelings about me. I hate that they think that way about me, but I'm not about to embark on some sort of classism crusade. In fact, just asking them to keep their voices down as they walk by will probably just verify for them their opinion of me. 

    So anyway, this morning I went out with my coffee at 5am to try to catch them walking by, but they didn't walk by.   I'll go out again tomorrow morning.  My plan is to let them know, in the nicest way possible, that their voices carry. I don't know if it's is something about our particular neighborhood or maybe the time of day that amplifies their volume, but that it sounds like they are yelling....and because we leave the windows open during the nice weather, we can all hear them.   I'm not going to address the content of what I heard.  


    David "BD" 2/8/07 Spencer 9/12/11
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