Washington Babies

Separation Anxiety at 2.5?

We seem to be going through a period of separation anxiety with Madelyn.

She's always been on the shy side when surrounded by strangers (and I'm okay with that!) - but lately, even with family members, either her Dad or I *have* to be there or she absolutely loses it.  Daycare drop offs have become pure torture, both for her and for me.  When her Dad leaves for work at night, we go through a serious fit.

Has anyone else gone through this at this age?  She has always been so good about going to bed since we cried it out at 8 months, I haven't dealt with the "mommy don't leave me's" until now and it's just killing me.

We reassure her that we're coming back. We never sneek out on her.  I have a picture book of family members to keep with her during the day....


Re: Separation Anxiety at 2.5?

  • When it comes to leaving out kids with somebody, it is our 2.5 year old I worry about much more than our 1 year old.  This isn't a new thing for her, but she is almost always with mommy or daddy and not used to getting left with other people besides grandma.  And she is outgoing too!

    I don't have any good advice but you have my sympathies.  I think phases of anxiety come and go with kids, and it is really heartbreaking to deal with sometimes.

    Jen - Mom to Jillian (10/2008) and Hayden (4/2010)

    My Blog


  • KNemoKNemo member
    I'm so sorry, H! I am not there yet, but I wanted to give you some e-Hugs. That would be so hard to deal with. The only consolation I can give you is that she will get through it. 
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  • Alex was always super attached to me, and I remember 2 and 3 being hard.  He'd cry EVERY time I left the house...just standing at the window in sobs.

    And drop off for daycare was impossible.  The teacher told us too switch and have Rod do drop offs, and it worked wonders.  I don't know if you have those options, but it helps.  You might need to change the drop off, like where or when or how, so that it's not the same.

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  • We went through a ton of separation anxiety with Ads at the last two daycares...now that she is at Ash's she is MUCH better.  She just loves Gage.  ;)  Anyways, what I found was that if I talked to her about going to daycare and how her day would look she was so much better about things.  Like when getting up we would talk about mommy taking her to daycare and that I would give her one huge hug and one huge kiss then mommy had to go to work, that I would be back as soon as I could once I was done working, etc.  I also found that if she had something to take to daycare with her she was A LOT better.  Some mornings it was a flower for the daycare gal, others it was her stuffed puppy to show people.  She just almost needed something to do with her hands and we were back up and running again!  Good luck mama...there is nothing worse than a sad little punkin at daycare drop off!
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  • Oh BIG HUGS!!  We went through this with Payton and just in the last few weeks, are going through it with Ryan.  It totally sucks.  SUCKS!  Like Tami, I bring something (usually food) to let them focus on when drop-off occurs.  Fruit bars worked with Payton, matchbox cars seem to help Ryan.  Payton liked to talk about things (when we'd pick her up, what she was going to do for the day, etc) but Ryan could care less.  Right now is just a drop and go... makes me want to cry when they scream for me on my way out the door.  :(  Hang in there!!

    Email me if you want to commiserate! xoxo  :)

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