So they are brand new BG AIO diapers. He had one on the other day for a short while, no problem. Put a new one on him and within 30 seconds his onesie was wet all up the back (pee). He had a hemp baby insert inside also. I tried to make sure it wasn't too near the top of the diaper? It seemed like it wasn't really soaking in at all to the diaper, it was just sitting there beading up. I washed them like it said (1 cold wash, 1 hot wash, dried on medium for a short while then lined dried) and I boiled the hemp insert before using it too.
Any advice? I don't want them all to start leaking and I want to start using them!
Re: whats the deal with my diapers?
Two questions: 1) Was the hemp baby insert the closest thing to his skin? 2) Are you sure the diaper was fastened snugly?
If you answered yes to #1: Hemp doesn't absorb very quickly, so the pee maybe could have run off the insert before it had a chance to absorb, depending on his position. I also get leaks if hemp is the closest absorbent layer to my baby. I usually put cotton, bamboo or mf on top of it (though you don't want mf next to the skin, so this wouldn't work if you're laying the inserts in).
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I agree with pp. Make sure to fasten the diaper snugly, because you can get leaks if there are gaps. Also, it takes a bit of pressure to get liquid through the suedecloth inner, so if you're fastening it loosely then the pee might just sit there or run off.
Also, I'm unclear as to whether you're using just hemp as an insert, or if you used the hemp in addition to one or both of the inserts that came with the diaper. I'd suggest trying the hemp with one of the inserts (probably microfiber) that came with the diaper; put the microfiber closer to the baby. It absorbs faster, so will help soak up lots of liquid quickly, and the hemp will help lock that liquid in place. If you're trying to fit three inserts into the diaper, then you could be running into gapping problems again (though overstuffing gaps are more likely to occur at the legs).