Baby Showers

Definetly co-ed..but what about....

The shower itself? 

I really like the idea of my frien bringing her professional karaoke set up (g-rated music though), and having it at a indoor park pavillion so child guests could play outside (supervised obviously)

Just an insight I am mid 30's DH mid 40's, both young at heart and this is baby #2, DD #1 is 8yrs, and the vast majority of our guests will not be well acquainted b/c they will be co-volunteers, fellow parent/friends, long time friends, co-workers, and family age range of mid 20's to 60+.

I want something casual and family freindly, a simple lunch and maybe "drinks" for those who can.

Does this sound outlandish or inviting?  Please chime in.....

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Re: Definetly co-ed..but what about....

  • imageEstwd2:

    A casual, family-friendly shower at a park pavilion = inviting.

    Karaoke for people who don't know each other very well and may not be comfortable singing for each other = outlandish

    Pretty much this!

    Here's the thing- MOST events in life will have some degree of people who don't really know one another.  You don't have to force an activity on people in order to make- up for this, or to possibly try to get people to "mingle".

    When I go to an event where there are people I don't know, sure, it's nice if I get a chance to meet some new people (esp if they are important to someone who *I* care about).  But at the same time, my primary focus is going to be talking to and catching up w/ the people I DO know. 

    I really don't need to be forced to do anything else!  I'll either socialize w/ the people I know, or if somehow there is some reason to meet new people - then sure, great.  But I do not want this forced upon  me.

    "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
    ~Benjamin Franklin

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10

  • I LOVE karaoke. However, I don't think I would do karaoke during the day at an awkward baby shower...sorry.

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  • good point, about the awkward....may think on that..I do know most of the people there would enjoy the liveliness....maybe to tweek a bit!!!

    I would just so much rather the afternoon be filled with some casual fun than candy bars in diapers and some of the other games out there......I rarely ever mingle in those situations, but have been to a few with lunch and music and room to move around and everyone (to me) seemed more social. 

    Thank goodness I have a while still :)

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  • I think it all sounds great and inviting... but a little unsure on the karaoke. You could have it in case people want it, but I wouldn't expect everyone to join in. My mom is throwing a cookout/shower for us that's co-ed. She'll be serving drinks for those that can and we will have cornhole (it's a bean bag toss game in case someone didn't know...pretty popular around here). So that's an option. My family and friends always love that. All ages play this one.

    At my cousins shower we had a few baby shower games that the guys joined in on and actually got a kick out of. 2 men who are already fathers had to compete on who could feed and change baby fastest. We had those dolls that drink and pee. lol.

    Just some ideas. (:

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