She waited until the perfect time to start trying to have a baby, and now they haven't been able to get pg. She has been trying for at least 1.5 years and is finally on clomid. I talked to her yesterday and she just seems so over it and exhausted. She said if clomid doesn't work, she'll just adopt. I think she is perfectly content with the decision, but her H seems to be living in La La land and is on a totally different page. Not sure how they will work that our. I know she'd make a great mom and he a dad. They deserve to have a baby, by whatever means (obviously including adoption).
I try to just listen. I don't really know how to be supportive b/c we got pg on the first shot both times and I don't want to come off like I know what she is going through. I can not even imagine. Any suggestions?
Re: I feel so sorry for my BFF.
My bff just went through that same thing! They'd been trying since May of last year, and it just wasn't happening. Then she got pg in January, and miscarried. I was so heartbroken for her. All I could do was listen and just be there for her. I will have to say, I did feel super guilty when I got pg this time, especially since it was kind of an accident. But, she's 13 weeks pg now, so I don't feel too bad!
I think if she wants to talk, just be there to listen. I wouldn't offer any advice either, since we've never been through that.