May 2011 Moms

I Found an Invaluable App!

I downloaded "tranquil baby" the other day and love it! It has "shushing" on it and Ashley conks right out listening to it. I can use it while I rock her or lay it next to her and walk away. It is a .99 app...and well worth it! (disclaimer: I am NOT affiliated with this app in any way)
Mommy to Rachel 1.15.06 and Ashley 5.17.11
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Re: I Found an Invaluable App!

  • Adding - this is for iPhone. Not sure if there is an Android version.
    Mommy to Rachel 1.15.06 and Ashley 5.17.11
    Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
  • I immediately downloaded this, and I have to second your opinion. This thing is amazing! LO was fussy fussy and he had just eaten, and I needed to eat, put on the deep shifting and in 2 minutes he was out! MH downloaded it, too. Edit for autocorrect: deep shushing.

    His three plus my one; we are all excited to welcome a little one!

    Pregnancy Ticker

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