Baby Names

Input please!

-- Girls -- 






-- Boys --



Channing - not after the actor, saw it on a gravestone from the 1700s, but then again I'd probably be stuck explaining that constantly :  

DH likes Caleb and Elijah, they just seem too overused these days 


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Re: Input please!

  • claire.

    i don't prefer either of your boy names.

    i know you think caleb is overrused, but that would be my choice.  personally, i don't know anyone named caleb (for what's it's worth :)).

  • Kerrigan No - NMS at all!

    Phoebe Yes LOVE

    Amelia Yes LOVE

    Claire No Just nms..

    Jonah Yes Nice!

    Micah Yes I like it!

    Channing Yes/No - I don't know what show you're even talking about, but that's a main street here in Berkeley, and with my accent I always pronounce it as Shan-ing. 

    Caleb No NMS, maybe as a mn?

    Elijah No See above.

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  • Love Amelia. 

    I used to not really like Claire, but latley i do find Clara to be a very pretty name.

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  • I'm not a huge fan of any of your girl names, but I'd pick Amelia as the best from those.  I really like Jonah for the boy names.
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  • Amelia and Channing would be my picks :-)
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  • I love Amelia, Jonah and Micah.

    Kerrigan reminds me to strongly of Nancy Kerrigan. Claire and Phoebe are fine, but NMS.  

    I would avoid Channing because of the actor, but that's just me.  

  • mcgeemcgee member

    How do you go from Kerrigan to Phoebe? They seem so dissimilar.

    I love all of the girl names minus Kerrigan. I am not fond of Channing, but the rest of your boy names are very nice. Other traditional but less common suggestions for boys: Miles, Milo, Linus, Lionel, Ezra,  Ephram, Abram

  • MAMAxBMAMAxB member
    Kerrigan is horrible IMO.
    Amelia is the only girl name that is okay for me.

    I like Channing out of your boy names best but people will definitely think of Channing Tatum probably (not in like 15 years though...)

    I like Caleb too... 
    evelyn 4.2010 | will 1.2012 | baby BOY due 12.2014
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  • No to Kerrigan.  I love Amelia and Claire, but Phoebe isn't that bad.

    For boys, I love Caleb and Jonah.  Micah is ok, and I don't like Elijah or Channing at all.

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  • All I think of when I hear Kerrigan is Nancy Kerrigan and that image of her crying and screaming on the ground after she was attacked at the Olympics.  So NMS at all.

    I like Amelia, Elijah, and Jonah.

    And my LO is also Levi, so we must have similar naming styles.  :-)

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