This comes up every once in a while, and the result is almost always that whatever people have they like. I went with the My Brest Friend, because I got a really good deal on Amazon. I haven't used it yet, so no feedback I'm afraid!
Saving money while raising more kids than you bargained for!
I have the Brest Friend twin and love it. Like others have said, I don't think there are many people who have tried both. I really like that the EZ2 has an inflatable travel pillow, and wish that I also had it. Taking a huge nursing pillow when you travel is a pain in the booty. If I had it to do over again I would have bought both.
I have the EZ2 nurse and hated it. It's a hard foam, so the babies would just roll off when they were little. The part that goes on each side of you is so long that I couldn't use it in a chair. The only way to use it is on a bed with tons of pillows strategically placed behind you or on the floor....either way there is no way to lean back against anything and you end up hunching forward. Once the girls were a bit bigger, I just used a single boppy with a pillow underneath it and it worked much better than the EZ2 nurse. I've never figured out how moms were able to comfortably use this pillow.
Re: BF pillow opinions please.
ditto. I wish mine was taller, though. I have a long torso and have to use beach towels to prop them.
I have actually tried both - someone gave me the EZ2nurse, and I prefer the My Breast Friend Twins Deluxe.