
How do you determine Baby A v Baby B?

At my u/s my RE said "this is A" and "this is B", but didn't mark it on the pic I got.  How do they determine which is which?  Is there a way I can figure it out?


Re: How do you determine Baby A v Baby B?

  • Baby A is the presenting baby--meaning the one positioned to be born first
  • Our RE always marked them with an AA or a BB for us so we knew.  A is always closest to your cervix and B is the one more farther away.
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  • Hmm, how do you tell when in the pic they are side by side?
  • On the side by side, they would put an A above one and a B above the other.  Honestly, when they got bigger and we knew where they were it was based on their location.  For example, my twins were on top of each other.  A (Jon) was head down and low in my pelvis.  B (Matty) was transverse and would wrap around my ribs.  My SIL's twins (identical) were side by side, they knew the one on the right was Juliana and the one of the left was Jenna.
  • I am not sure you can tell then they are side by side in the pic without it being marked. At your next u/s I would ask them to put it on the pic before they print it out. I had no idea which was which early on when they were in the same picture I just guessed and no one knew the difference.
  • Thanks ladies.  I'll ask next time!
  • My babies were side by side up until about the last 3 or 4 weeks of my pregnancy. Until that point, the doctors and sonographers referred to them as "baby left" and "baby right". Right at the end one baby's sac scooted down a bit, and he became Baby A.
  • My RE told me baby A is closer to your cervix.
  • As pp said, baby A is the one closest to your cervix while pregnant and then at birth Baby A is whoever is born first.  So on the side by side, which ever one is lower is Baby A.  But know that it can change.  Madeline was Baby A during my early ultrasounds, but Sarah nudged her out and moved lower around 24 weeks, so Sarah became Baby A and then Sarah was born first so she stayed Baby A.

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