A colleague at work mentioned to me a little over a week ago that she has a potential contact for me. She said the potential BM has decided adoption would be best considering her age and her life goals. They just weren't sure how the adoption process works and what the next steps are. I was told the BM and her BF want to meet with me and my DH.
So I gave my colleague my contact information to pass along. And nothing.
I know I will need to wait more than a week. I am sure if I were in her situation I would not contact a potential AP within the week. I would sit on it for a while and make sure I really wanted to even talk to them let alone meet... but I am just guessing because I have never been in her situation and I cannot relate I can just try to empathize.
Anyway... I am getting leery because I haven't heard anything. She is due mid August, so we are getting close to her due date. Less than 2 months to go.
I am really trying to be "cautiously optimistic" like everyone else on here, but I am starting to second guess myself. Is this really likely to pan out? Due to a lack of any communication is this potential situation more likely to fizzle? Am I "cautiously" getting my hopes up for nothing? What do you all think? Too far fetched to actually happen, or give it more time and stop freaking out over nothing?
Sorry I am long winded. )
Re: Potential or Potentially Bad?
I think it has potential, I just wouldn't get too hopeful. However, that is just my personality.
Did you pass along a website or anything that the potential BM could look at to see who you are and if she feels it's a good fit before she contacts you? I guess that would be my first advice, then I would also follow up with your friend and ask about the potential BM to see how she's doing. No strings, just concern.
Hang in there.
In my experience, potential birthparents found through networking rarely pan out. Of course, networking is worth it, because there is always that chance that it WILL work out, but your name is out there and given to lots of people who are in the early stages of weighing their options (parenting vs. abortion vs. adoption) and most of them just don't choose adoption at the end of the day.
I hear of probably 6-8 potential situations a year and we only ever had one choose us and it was our failed placement. The rest have chosen to parent for the most part, one chose abortion, and two waiting too long to make a decision for themselves and their children were forcibly removed.
History of IF and 2.5 years TTC. The day we were to start our first IUI we received a call that changed our lives forever and 10 month old Olivia joined our family. Shortly thereafter we got a surprise BFP and baby 2 is due July 5, 2012
I have a profile, but I didn't give it to her in case it would legally bind me to using my agency if this actually works out. I was thinking about creating my own based of the one they created so I wouldn't have any legal obligations based on intellectual property, but a website sounds even better.
I will create a website so she can get to know us better. I was thinking that most contacts like this probably didn't pan out, but I didn't really have anything to reference for that other than the number of girls on 16 and pregnant who discuss adoption but end up not choosing an adoption plan. Thanks for your insight!