
prayers needed...

Addison is still on the vent, but they have weened her settings considerably.

HOWEVER we are now being put up against a Neo who want's to do "just one more thing" and mentioned the word Trach... we have known since birth that Addison had a smaller then average airway, however it has not posed any problems as far as breathing on her own and none of the other Neo's have ever felt like it was an issue for Addison (and I might add they have all known her much longer then this Neo who has only known her for 2 weeks).

DH and I know the risks of doing/not doing the Trach and are taking some time to think about it while they run "one more test". But I have an icky feeling that this doctor is going to try very hard to convince us or just go above and beyond us and do what she wants to do. If they didn't think they could get her off the vent without it then I think DH and I would be more willing to go forward, but this is not a decision that we can make lightly... She has been through so very much already.

We are also trying to have another Neo consult (specifically they Neo who extubated Addison the first time and has a much stronger history with her.) To make sure we have heard all sides.

Please pray that God guides us to the best answer for our little girl and that we overcome this obsticale.

TTC #1 since 4/2007... MFI (low motility/low Testosterone) & PCOS IVF #1 August 2010...BFP 1st sono shows TWINS!!!! Due May 23rd 2011 Ruptured @ 21 weeks (Jan 13) Delivered 26 weekers (Blake and Addison) on Valentine's Day... Keeping faith and praying, God has a plan and we just have to learn to follow. Our Blog ... Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Re: prayers needed...

  • Ugh, that's a tough situation.  I will keep you all in my thoughts and pray that the right path will come clear for you.  Hang in there!

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  • I'm keeping Addison in my T&Ps (((HUGS)))
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  • kck329kck329 member
    What a rough spot to be in! Lots of prayers for Addison and for clarity in decisions for you and the doctors!
  • Keeping you all in my thoughts.  I know you'll make the right decision...
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  • I'm so sorry you're dealing with this :( I know you'll decide on whatever is best for Addison and I hope you don't continue to feel pushed into anything.
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  • You'll be in my thoughts.
  • Thoughts and prayers, I hope the right decision reveals itself to you.
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  • T&Ps coming your way!
    *Siggy warning - loss mentioned*
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  • The decision to get a trach is such a hard one, especially when doctors disagree on whether or not it is necessary (been there, done that).  You are doing the right thing by asking for a consult.  Hopefully a less invasive resolution will present itself to you.  However, if you do decide that a trach is the best thing or Addison, I offer you this peace of solace (as superficial as it may seem at first):  Having a child with a trach is really not as scary as it first appears.

    If you want to know more about trachs, the website below has message boards, and many good articles / videos about day to day life with a trach.  Also, feel free to PM me and I can tell you more about our DD, Lilith, who was trached (almost) 3 months ago.

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  • Lots of prayers sent. I'm sorry there is another thing to worry about befor A can come home. ((hugs))
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  • Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers your way.



  • imagenjdcgirl:
    Lots of prayers sent. I'm sorry there is another thing to worry about befor A can come home. ((hugs))

    *hugs* I hope you get that consult and it helps clarify things for you!

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