Babies: 6 - 9 Months

DD stopped babbling after shots

DD used to wake up and talk and talk and talk!  She had just started to say her consonants when we took her to get her third round of shots around 5.5 months.  Since the day we got her home (she didn't feel good for about three days) she hasn't babbled at all in a month.  She does make high pitch noises and serberts A LOT and sometimes when she wakes up, she whispers.  But she won't babble!  Everything else seems fine, she is almost crawling, plays with toys, laughs a lot and makes eye contact.  She is due for her next round of shots on Monday and I'm wondering if I should hold off, or if this is normal for 6 month olds?  TIA!
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Re: DD stopped babbling after shots

  • I would say that if you're having reservations, then wait and talk to your Dr. about it. We have instincts for a reason.

    Also, I don't know that you will get any objective advice here b/c vaccines are always a heated discussion. 

    Check out for more information about shots and side effects.

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  • My LO stopped babbling at 3.5 mos and then started finding her voice again at 5 months. Now she doesn't say the same "words" as before and it's more like singing to me. She tries to get her voice as high pitched as she can and then brings it back down. I wouldn't worry about it, but you could always bring it up to your pedi.
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  • imageShamlet123:

    I would say that if you're having reservations, then wait and talk to your Dr. about it. We have instincts for a reason.

    Also, I don't know that you will get any objective advice here b/c vaccines are always a heated discussion. 

    Check out for more information about shots and side effects.


    OP - babies generally will work on one type of milestone at a time, it probably has nothing to do with shots and more likely that she's working on a more physical milestone such as crawling.  

    Vaccines do not cause autism. 

    Please get your child properly vaccinated.

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  • It might be a coincidence. For a while my DD would babble ALL.THE.TIME. then she just randomly stopped for a few weeks. She would still laugh, smile, squeal, ect. One day she just started babbling all the time again. 

    It might be that since she's trying to crawl she's focusing just on that. KWIM?  

    But definitely talk to your Dr. about it too if you're really worried. 

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    Med-free birth, EBF, Co-Sleeping, Babywearer
  • I am betting it is just coincidence or as PP said, she is working on other things.

    LO blew raspberries a ton when he was 4 months old, stopped and is just now doing it again like it's a completely new thing to him. 



    image  image

  • I can only say to call your doctor about it.  He would be the only one who could tell you if it would be safe to delay vaccines until you feel more comfortable.

    I agree with PP, that vaccines don't cause autism and babies to tend to work on one milestone at a time.  However, it is difficult to look past your gut on these things. 

    Call your dr!  You're going to get lots of very varied opinions on this topic and he or she is the only one that can help you make a safe decision for your family.

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  • AnankeAnanke member

    I would not hold off on her next round of shots unless her doctor is concerned, which is unlikely.  It is completely normal for a baby to stop doing something they were doing.  They are really only able to focus on a couple major skills at once, so chances are she's practicing something else right now, and the timing is just coincidence. 

    DS was babbling with mamamama and babababa, etc around 6 months, then just stopped and I haven't heard those combinations from him again.  He did start crawling, pulling up, babbling using different combinations, and doing many other things though.   It is very common for them to switch between practicing physical and verbal skills.  You may never hear the same type of babbling as before, but she may start exploring her voice in different ways.  Maybe she feels she mastered the stage she was at and it was just time to move on.

    If you still feel uneasy, talk to her pedi at the next appointment and he or she can alleviate your fears.

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  • My daughter did this. Right after shots, she stopped babbling. It was replaced by squealing and roaring. It appears she was far too focused on crawling to be bothered. She is back to babbling, but it was about a month.
    For less then ten cents a day, you can feed a hungry child.
  • imagesillypit:

    I would say that if you're having reservations, then wait and talk to your Dr. about it. We have instincts for a reason.

    Also, I don't know that you will get any objective advice here b/c vaccines are always a heated discussion. 

    Check out for more information about shots and side effects.


    OP - babies generally will work on one type of milestone at a time, it probably has nothing to do with shots and more likely that she's working on a more physical milestone such as crawling.  

    Vaccines do not cause autism. 

    Please get your child properly vaccinated.

    I have to say I agree with Sharmlet. You are asking a bunch of women who are 100% pro vaccine what they think. Of coarse they are all going to say "Do not skip your next round of vaccines". If you are concerned putting off your LO's vaccine for a month or just a couple of weeks with not harm anyone. I would definitly talk to your pedi because vaccines to have side affects and while they may not be directly link to autism it is still questionable. It is not firmly proven either way. But this post is not about vaccines and autism.

    I do agree that when our LO's are starting a new milestone they forget ones they have learned already. Jay babbles for a while then stopped and started rolling. He stopped rolling and starting babbling again. He is now rolling the oppisite way and has forgotten how he rolled origonally. Babies bounce around a little bit with their milestones. I am sure her babbling will come back.

    If you think the vaccine caused this reaction in your child you can safely hold or for a month or so and see if things change with your LO. Alot of people have modified vaccine scheduals and that does not mean that there children are any less protected.

  • imagesillypit:

    I would say that if you're having reservations, then wait and talk to your Dr. about it. We have instincts for a reason.

    Also, I don't know that you will get any objective advice here b/c vaccines are always a heated discussion. 

    Check out for more information about shots and side effects.


    OP - babies generally will work on one type of milestone at a time, it probably has nothing to do with shots and more likely that she's working on a more physical milestone such as crawling.  

    Vaccines do not cause autism. 

    Please get your child properly vaccinated.

    All this.

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  • My LO cooed all the time until a month or so ago, then almost stopped entirely. Two days ago she started again and won't stop.

    I vote coincidence.

  • J+MSJ+MS member

    I would say that if you're having reservations, then wait and talk to your Dr. about it. We have instincts for a reason.

    Also, I don't know that you will get any objective advice here b/c vaccines are always a heated discussion. 

    Check out for more information about shots and side effects.


    OP - babies generally will work on one type of milestone at a time, it probably has nothing to do with shots and more likely that she's working on a more physical milestone such as crawling.  

    Vaccines do not cause autism. 

    Please get your child properly vaccinated.

    I have to say I agree with Sharmlet. You are asking a bunch of women who are 100% pro vaccine what they think. Of coarse they are all going to say "Do not skip your next round of vaccines". If you are concerned putting off your LO's vaccine for a month or just a couple of weeks with not harm anyone. I would definitly talk to your pedi because vaccines to have side affects and while they may not be directly link to autism it is still questionable. It is not firmly proven either way. But this post is not about vaccines and autism.

    I do agree that when our LO's are starting a new milestone they forget ones they have learned already. Jay babbles for a while then stopped and started rolling. He stopped rolling and starting babbling again. He is now rolling the oppisite way and has forgotten how he rolled origonally. Babies bounce around a little bit with their milestones. I am sure her babbling will come back.

    If you think the vaccine caused this reaction in your child you can safely hold or for a month or so and see if things change with your LO. Alot of people have modified vaccine scheduals and that does not mean that there children are any less protected.

    Unless her kids contracts, oh I don't know, Pertussis.
    "Seriously, mommy forum people are some crazy ass bitches." New Year New You
  • My DD used to be a BIG babbler.  Even the the pedi commented on her unusual babbling at such an early age.  Then, one day I realized she had been more quiet than usual, then I started to think it might be her 6 month shots.  I literally drove myself crazy trying to get her to coo, babble, squeal, ANYTHING!  It lasted about a month.  Strangers began to comment on how quiet she was and she would just stare into space!  I cried about it to my husband, blamed myself, looked up everything online, freaked out, etc.  And if you would have asked me before I would have said that vaccines absolutely do NOT cause autism.  However, I truly believed with my whole heart that something was wrong. 

    Then, all the sudden, she started again.  You should hear her as I type this.  She literally babbles all. day. long!  

     Good luck!  But my vote is that everything is fine!  :)


  • A lot of babies will stop doing something they already know how to do in order to learn something new. Is she trying to do new things?
  • imageLaurenandMack:
    DD used to wake up and talk and talk and talk!  She had just started to say her consonants when we took her to get her third round of shots around 5.5 months.  Since the day we got her home (she didn't feel good for about three days) she hasn't babbled at all in a month.  She does make high pitch noises and serberts A LOT and sometimes when she wakes up, she whispers.  But she won't babble!  Everything else seems fine, she is almost crawling, plays with toys, laughs a lot and makes eye contact.  She is due for her next round of shots on Monday and I'm wondering if I should hold off, or if this is normal for 6 month olds?  TIA!

    Do not hold off on vaccinations unless your pediatrician specifically tells you to.

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  • Shamlet is convinced that news articles regarding the measles outbreaks should be sponsored by Pfizer. I'm pretty sure her advice isn't objective either.

    Conspiracy theorists =/= doctors


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