Hi I've been lurking but now that I'm getting close I have more questions. Quick backstory: I had my son via csection after 30+ hours of contractions. My water broke at home after a day or so of contracting and when I went in I was only 1cm dilated. They started me on pitocin but I only ever got to 4 cm before they decided to section me for not progressing and baby's heart rate dropping with contractions.
Anyway, I have also been told that I will be continuously monitored once I am admitted but they did specify that it will be internal monitoring. This is what the nurse at my hospital tour told me, I haven't asked my midwife for how specifically I will be monitored but will at my next appointment. From what I remember with internal monitors at my son's birth, they can't just remove them so I can get up and walk or use the bathroom.
Did any of you have a similar experience, or is there any research that suggests external monitoring will be as effective? I would rather not be tied down if I am still up to walking or using the birthing ball.
Re: Another continuous monitoring question
DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)
DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)
I'm definitely going to ask my midwife about it. The thing is, I will deliver at a military hospital so even though I see a midwife at a clinic, I have no idea who will actually deliver me. That's a good point about them having to break my water, though, I didn't think about that. And as far as I know they have no telemetry units although I will make a note to ask about that as well.
I'm cracking up at you showing up pushing, and can only hope I do as well. I am terrified of when to go in, since I went in with my son and was only 1 cm, but my mom had the same 30+ hours of labor with her first and then with me (her 2nd) I was out before they got her to the delivery room. Did I mention that to get to my hospital I have to go over a drawbridge and then through a tunnel? I want to stay home as long as possible to avoid monitoring but also don't want to chance giving birth in the tunnel. If only there were a window to my cervix or something....
I had continuous external monitoring.
They thought I was rupturing (didn't thank God) so they broke my water so they could do internal monitoring which is better at detecting a rupture (so they say).
And to all those that say the monitors don't hurt...I sort of disagree, while it didn't hurt it added more pressure to my belly than I liked and drove me nuts!
My VBAC labor was a lot more efficient than my first labor was. My water suddenly broke after I'd been in labor all day, and things ramped up really fast after that! DH was worried about me giving birth before we got there, but I ended up pushing for two hours with my son. Good luck, it sounds like you have quite the trip to the hospital from your house .
DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)
my doc says i have to be continuously monitored as well, but it is external...and the hospital has a wireless monitor, so I can use that and walk around if I want.