Despite not being PG, I love to lurk and play around with what names will be on the future baby list. DH has his heart set on "Emma" which I have accepted. Now onto MN. While lurking on the board, I was reminded of the beautiful name "Renee".
Classic and simple to pair with "Emma" and it's my sister's middle name, whom I would ask if ok prior to naming said future daughter. Here's the question, my sister's name is Cara Rene, is that to similar to have a future niece Emma Renee ?
2 syllable name with the "a" ending with Rene/Renee as middle...
Re: name to similar to sister
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I don't think it's a problem, I think it's nice.
BTW - Rene is a boys name (and my maiden name, Ren?) and Renee is a girls name. It's interesting that your sister is spelled the boy way. Family name?