Hello ladies!!! Just a question for all you expecting mothers on here...at what DPO did you test and get you BFP???? I'm 12 DPO and I'm REALLLYYYYYY hoping for my BFP this month. I don't want to test too soon but I was just curious when everyone else tested and got theirs...Thanks ladies!!! H&H9 months to you all!!!!
Re: At what DPO did you test and receive a BFP???
Loss #6 2014 Loss #7 (chemical) 2014
~DS Born! 2009~
~DD Born! 2013~
BFP 1: 11 days
BFP 2: 12 days
13 DPO - really faint
14 DPO - a darker line
Good luck!
I tested at 9 and 10 and got BFN.
I then didn't test again until 17 (3 days after missed AF) and it was positive. I'd just wait until the missed period...it was disheartening to see the negatives!
9 DPO with an Internet Cheapie. The line was so faint you had to squint.
10 DPO I did another IC, same faint line so I bought a FRER and digital, both positive.
Good luck!
***Nestie Bestie w/ TheDeatons***
BFP at 14DPO
BFP #1 5/5/2011, EDD 1/12/2012
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!
My BFP Chart:
BFP #1: 14 dpo (m/c)
BFP #2: 9 dpo (my son)
BFP #3: 10 dpo (negative at 7 and 8) (4 weeks pregnant today!)
I don't think 12 dpo is too early! Good luck!
BFP#1: I got negatives until 14dpo
BFP#2: 11dpo
BFP#3: 11dpo
Married 1/2/99.
TTC since 4/09.
Diagnosed PCOS. Diagnosed Hypothryoid 11/09.
SHG & SA normal. PCOS Research study started 5/10.
Clomid/Femara cycle #1 - 6/10 = BFN
Clomid/Femara cycle #2 - 7/10 = BFP #1 - Missed miscarriage 9/2/10
11/12 - BFP #2 - 11/22 - m/c
5/1/11 - BFP #3 - Pre-eclampsia, IUGR & bed rest from 32w. DD born via induction 1/4/12.
My first BFP, I wasn't charting so I truly don't know.
This BFP, I tested at 9-10 DPO with FMU and it was completely white.
11 DPO- faint line (wondfo), - with the early-pregnancy-tests brand
12 DPO- darker (wondfo), faint positive with the early-pregnancy-tests brand, + with an EPT digital
12dpo - I got a light + on EPT
13dpo- I got - on dollar store cheapies
16dpo - I got strong + on ept and light + on dollar store cheapie
Baby #1 10dpo
Baby #2 9dpo
Baby #3 9dpo
I did not test until 15DPO and it was immediately positive!!!
This is me exactly with this pregnancy - with my son I can't remember - I think I waited until the day my period was due.
BFN- 9dpo
then a VERY faint + at 10dpo
Mother to DD, born sleeping on 9/28/11, and DS, born 3/12/13, 5lbs 13oz, 19in
BFP #1: 6/10/11 Natural m/c 6/20/11
BFP #2: 8/30/11 Vanishing Twin diagnosed at 8 weeks, DS born 5/6/12
BFP #3: 5/24/14 stick, baby, stick! Beta 1 (16dpo): 645, Beta 2 (18dpo): 1652
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,and He shall direct your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6
I tested at 9 and got a negative
Then again at 11 and got a very very faint two lines but I thought it was a negative
Then again at 13 DPO and got a positive
Make a pregnancy ticker
DD- BPF 10dpo
This pregnancy BFP a very very light line at 8dpo, same lightness at 9pdo and today 10 dpo it is a dark enough to actually show my DH without him gauffing at it. But a lines a line right?
I never had bfn either cycle that resulted in postives since both times I was very sure my symptoms were pregnancy!
best of luck!