Cloth Diapering

boiling new hemp inserts- one time only?

I have a bumch of new hemp inserts. I was going to boil them in a huge pot I have for canning. Just a couple questions

1) How long should I boil them for?

2) Should I boil them more than once (dump out the waer and start fresh)?

3) After boiling I was going to wash them one time- should I use detergent or no?

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Re: boiling new hemp inserts- one time only?

  • 1. 20 minutes

    2. Nope

    3. Yes

  • I don't know how hemp inserts are prepped prior to being sewn, but I was going to make my own and read up about how to prep the fleece iteslf prior to sewing and it said when you wash it to put it inside a pillow case becaue it will throw off tons of lint in the beginning and if its in a pillow case it wont go everywhere.  I would ASSUME the inserts are made with fleece that has already been prepped and the prep you are doing is just to remove the oils.  But I think I would still throw them in a pillow case jsut in case. What will it hurt.
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    History of IF and 2.5 years TTC. The day we were to start our first IUI we received a call that changed our lives forever and 10 month old Olivia joined our family. Shortly thereafter we got a surprise BFP and baby 2 is due July 5, 2012

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