Did you find that having a preemie in NICU affected when you got your first period post partum? My LO is 8 1/2 weeks old, will be two months tomorrow (adjusted age almost 3 weeks) and I'm wondering if I'm about to get my period. I stopped bleeding lochia at about 6 weeks (2+ weeks ago) but started spotting a day or so ago and this morning I have AF-like cramps.
I am just surprised that AF might be coming so soon. I had to EP when he was born for three weeks until he came home (minus a few attempts to latch in the last couple of days he was in the NICU) and then I was able to transition to primarily BF at home by about a week or so later (almost exclusively, save one 2-4 oz bottle of formula a day). So it's been 5 weeks of nearly EBF. *shrug*
Any insights? Thx!
Re: Preemie, BF and post partum AF: ?
I stopped my post-labor bleeding at 4 weeks. AF returned for me exactly 6 weeks postpartum- and I was still EPing every 2-3 hours. They said it was stress related.
I was so annoyed at having a period so early! Like, seriously in the midst of all this I don't even get to skip my period?!
Ten months: Mr. Giggles!
A10 March Siggy: Next vacation - Maine!
kikijbunny (formerly kikijbird)
Our jbunny born April 17, 2011 at 34w 1d (EDD May 28) due to irritable ute + early dilation
Mommy Blog: And Baby Makes Pi
Pregnancy/Baby Blog: Eggs Over Anxious
BFP chart
This was me almost exactly, except mine was kind enough to hold out until 7 weeks PP. I was pumping RELIGIOUSLY (and still am) and still got it. I mean really, I couldn't even make it to my due date at least?!? But then, that was 5 weeks ago and I haven't had another one yet soooo.. I dunno WTF my body is doing.