We have a portable one but now need one with 2 screens. What kind do you have? Do you like it? How long have you had it? The reviews are not too good for them online so I was looking for personal experience. We mainly want it for long car trips.
DS2 is rear facing so not sure what to do about him watching it. Does anyone have experience with this? Thanks for any help.
Re: What kind of car/portable DVD player do you have?
I got a used Disney DVD player (w/2 screens) on ebay back in 2008. Still works perfectly! The boys sit next to each other in the very back (both are FF), so it works out great.
We are actually looking to get a new one that can play two DVDs at the same time, cause our boys sometimes don't want to watch what the other picked.
My DD uses the iPad for long trips. We have several movies and games downloaded on it so she can switch back and forth as she wishes. It's amazing how quickly kids catch onto things like that.
We are either going to get another Sony (we love the one we have) and connect them or this one seems to have great reviews...
We just don't like that you "need" a cord and it doesn't have a remote!