Two Under 2

Pregnant after c-section

Hi - I'm thinking of getting KU again (DS is almost 9 months old), but I'm a little worried about the risks (ruptured uterus,..) since I had a c-section less than a year ago. For you ladies with 2U2 after a c-section, did your doctors give you the green light right away or advise you to wait a certain amount of time. Thanks!
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Re: Pregnant after c-section

  • I got the green light at 3 months post partum, but I was totally not ready physically for another pregnancy...we ended up getting pregnant when my daughter was 9 months old.  Everything went very well and there were no problems or complications.  The only thing was that I wasn' allowed to VBAC.

    I would say to talk to your dr. and then follow what your body tells you!  Good Luck :)

    DD (8/12/09), DD (2/8/11)
    BFP 12/16/14| EDD 8/19/15 |MMC 1/15/15 (9 weeks 1 day)
  • My kids are 14 months apart, both were c/s. We are also TTC#3 (which will also be a c/s).

    I don't wait for green lights. I make my own decisions.

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  • I got the green light at my 6 week PP checkup.

    That was dependent on my personal health history/recovery from my first section. I'm sure it's not advised for every woman in every situation, so I would consult with your dr first.

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  • I have a one year old who was delivered via csection june 2nd last year and im currently 37.1 weeks pregnant with my second son which I will be attempting a vbac with him. My OB never gave me a date on when I could get pregnant again he just said he would recommend two years between births if I wanted a vaginal birth with my second but he is still letting me try even though its way before the time he recommended. But if you have no problem having another csection then you are ok to get pregnant anytime you want to. Plus it will be more than a year between your births
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  • I had MAJOR uterine surgery in order to get pg. On the outside it was a c-section incision but internally, my uterus was cut way more than a c-section. My OB was really concerned about my uterus rupturing because I got pg with twins 3 months after the surgery. But, the surgeon who performed the surgery told me told me I could ttc 1 month later since the uterus is a muscle and heals so quickly.

    I had a c-section with the twins. The OB never told me I had to wait a certain amount of time to ttc again.

  • I was advised to wait 9-12 months. Obviously, that didn't happen. I was told that the risk was low for me, but that I should have a repeat c section because they are so close together. I have a scheduled c section for 39w 2d. Good luck!
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  • My ob said if I wanted to try for VBAC she rec'd waiting 18mo to get pg but if I wanted a repeat c/s it wouldn't matter.  The risk for rupture comes during labor which is why she didn't care that I got pg right away.... I've had 2 c/s.
    Caleb.02.01.08 | Asher.07.06.09 | Jude.01.19.12
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  • Good luck :)
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  • My OB recommended 6-9 months before getting KU.  I got a surprise BFP a few weeks later.  My OB was fine when I went for my first appt, I will be having a repeat c-section at 38 weeks, so my 2 c/s will be 10.5 months apart.  I would suggest you talk with your OB about your body and see what they say.
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  • Thanks so much ladies - I appreciate your help and will keep you posted :)
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  • My OB never said anything about it either after DD was born or when I went back for my first appointment with this pregnancy. I was somewhat nervous since I got pregnant when DD was 10 months old but when I asked about it, my OB didn't seem concerned.

    ETA: We're not making the decision to try for a VBAC or not until my next ultrasound at 36 weeks. My OB wants to see how big the baby is measuring first before giving the green light on that.
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  • I got pregnant when my DS was 4 months old.  My OB told me that I could try a VBAC if I wanted to, but DS was 9 pounds and I don't have any real need to have a vaginal birth so I'm scheduling a c-section.

     Many women get pregnant much closer together, I don't see it as being any more of a risk.  If you really want a vaginal birth, I'm sure your doctor would advise you to wait until the year mark at least.

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  • I got the green light, but my Dr. was upfront about the possibility of not doing a vbac because you can't be induced for one, and I had severe Pre-E with DD1 so he doesn't want me waiting around to go into labor at the risk of my bp getting out of wack.
    Which is why I am on on bedrest at home again as of yesterday.

    One thing I personally have noticed is some discomfort near my incision as I have gotten further along, Dr. said it is most likely that since the baby is bumping up against the scar tissue on the inside and it doesn't flex like un-scarred tissue that is what the pain issue is. 



    ~Kati~ Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My kids are 15mo apart, and i didn't wait for a Dr to give me the "green light"  - i chose when i wanted to get pregnant.  On a side note, the risk of rupture on a transverse scar is .05%.  


    @kati - the pain you're feeling at your scar is more than likely adhesions caused by your 1st section.  They are very common side effect of the surgery.  

  • The risk of uterine rupture even after a c/s is so low. For a normal healthy woman, having two c/s close together is no big deal. My kids were both born via c/s, 14 months apart, and my dr would have let me try to VBAC if I had wanted to. (I chose repeat c/s.)



  • Just lurking. :) I asked my OB today at my pp checkup since we had TTTC the first one and it took almost 3 years. She actually recommended starting asap. She said she recommends 12 months between actual deliveries.
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  • I never asked because I wasn't planning but got pregnant 6 months later.  I am doing a repeat CS because it was an easy recovery for me.

    Mine scar has started bothering me, and my doctor also said it was because of the stretching and she will "fix it" during this csection.


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