Cloth Diapering

F/U on Day Care rant (long)

So a bit ago I ranted about our DC and asked if my concerns were valid (DD coming home with 2 used diaper after a 9 hour day, her clothes filthy, not feeding her her own food, not putting her pants back on after diaper changes, etc.) or jsut a reult of being a new overprotective mama. Most people agreed that some if not all of those issues were pretty major.  We had already talked to the director about the food thing. After my post (and while starting to look for antoher spot for her elsewhere) I took a written out list of insturctions for her (what to feed and when, please use her bib, please put her pants back on, etc.) The teachers seemed a bit miffed, but did seem to start giving her her food (keep in mind this was jsut to buy time to find another place).

Then I went to pick her up the next day and she was in her crib asleep at 5 o'clock.  She had ONE diaper in her wetbag and had been there for 9 hours.  They said they couldn't change her b/c she had been asleep since 12. I said she's been asleep for FIVE hours and then they said no since 2.  I was FURIOUS but trying to keep my temper. I explained that even if she was asleep since 2, that to leave her in teh same diaper from 8-2 (6 hours! is unacceptable). I took her out of the crib and she was once again covered in food. I changed her diaper and it was a poop diaper. She is 12 months and doesn't poop in her sleep so she had been lying in poop for at least 3 hours.  I was SOOOOOO furious. 

I could not talk to the director that day because I had to leave to calm down (this was Friday). Then on Monday the director announces that DD is moving to another room because she has "graduated". I am SURE this was a result of the teachers in tehre just wanting to be rid of me b/c of the complaining.  I was pretty aggravated (DD has to adjust to a new room and new teachers when we are thinking of moving her anyway, these kids are bigger than her, she will now be going outside and who knows if they'll take good cae of her).  BUT, the change has been WONDERFUL!  The teachers are so attentive.  SHe never cries when we leave her. She comes home with a clean face, clean shirt on and even the dirty shirt in her bag is pretty darn clean!  She has on shoes, pants, and the teacher is playing with her when I show up. They give her her food (and her food only). I am so thrilled! They still only send 2 diapers home (sometimes 3) but I'm OK with that given what we were dealing with before. I did look up the diaper change requirements and in FL it doesn't say every 2 hours - only something vague like keep baby clean and dry.

It is amazing the difference a change in teachers can make.  We are still keeping our eyes wide open and will move her if anything changes.  But for now she seems so well adjsuted that we don't want to move her (she's only been with us for 2 months and has some attachment issues from her early life disruptions so we don't want to disrupt her any more than necessary).  I want to thank you all for your support and advice before.  It really helped me think through all of this.

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History of IF and 2.5 years TTC. The day we were to start our first IUI we received a call that changed our lives forever and 10 month old Olivia joined our family. Shortly thereafter we got a surprise BFP and baby 2 is due July 5, 2012


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