
Do I tip in this situation?

I'm getting a massage, at the recomendation of my chiropractor, from the massage therapist that works in my his office.  It is covered by my insurance and I only have a $20 copay.  Do I tip the massage therapist even in a "medical" type atmosphere, or is that only appropriate at a day spa sort of place?

Re: Do I tip in this situation?

  • In a medical office, no.
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  • I'd ask. Sometimes they are allowed to accept a tip. Sometimes they are not. When I worked in the Chiro offices (I have a degree in MT), there was one where I was allowed to accept tips because I was renting the space and not an employee of the Chiro office itself. Hope your back/neck feels better!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker BFP 04/15/2011; M/C 04/21/2011 Sleep with Jesus sweet baby.
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