Baby Names

baby girl names.

So i'm stuck on girls names I have it narrowed down to 4. Gwendolyn...Matilda...Keira..and Audrey. No middle names are picked out yet. I have a different last name just wondering if anyone can give me some insight. Thanks.

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Re: baby girl names.

  • I really prefer Audrey...very pretty!

     how about Audrey Anna Horvath...I like it but it isnt my baby lol good luck!

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  • I like Gwendolyn and Matilda from your choices. As for a middle name, are there any family names that you like?
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  • My moms middle name is Gayle...and its been passed down since he i told her I would use it with one of my kids. My husbands mom doesnt have any family names that need to be passed down. And for just liking any of their middle names not too much.. I'm just having a difficult time making stuff flow with Horvath.
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  • Of the four, I prefer Gwendolen, but only if it is spelled this way (original spelling). If you insist on the Gwendolyn spelling, I vote for Matilda (nn Tillie). Yes

    Audrey is very pretty.

    Keira is not my style.


    ETA: I forgot to add that I think Gwendolen Horvath flows perfectly!

    How about Gwendolen Matilda Gayle Horvath!! Yes

    (I like long names, in case you couldn't tell.)

  • I like Gwendolyn and Audrey. If popularity is a concern, I'd go with Gwendolyn
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  • LOVE Gwendolyn and Matilda.

    Neutral on Keira.

    Strongly dislike Audrey.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Keira Horvath is cute!
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  • Gwendolyn is definitely my favorite on your list. I actually think that Gwendolyn Gayle sounds nice but I am one of those people who likes the alliteration.
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  • Keira and Matilda are two of my favs.  Love the NN Tilly

    Keira Audrey Horvath

    Matilda Elisabeth Horvath

  • I like Gwendolyn/Gwendolen or Audrey.
  • MAMAxBMAMAxB member
    Gwendolyn Harvoth is my first choice.
    Possible MNs: 


    I think it flows great.

    Kierra is NMS but I also agree with a PP.. Kierra Gayle Harvoth flows really well
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