Baby Names

Eve vs Evelyn

Which do you prefer, Eve or Evelyn, and why?
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Re: Eve vs Evelyn

  • Both are beautiful, but I prefer Eve (and have thought about using it for a girl). First of all, it's not as popular as Evelyn. Second, it's just so beautiful and pure and simple. It's also a versatile name. For me, I feel like Evelyn evokes a certain image of a woman whereas Eve could just as easily be an artist or a CEO.
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  • ames71ames71 member
    Evelyn is stuffy to me. Eve has a bit more sass (and Eva even more so).
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  • They are both nice names, but I prefer Eve. Evelyn is becoming so popular, while Eve is not used often, classic and beautiful.
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  • I like Eve better.  I like the simplicity of the name as well as the meaning of it.  We're considering using it as a middle name.  

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  • I really like both. I like the softer sounds in Evelyn, but I like the simple, clean quality of Eve.

    I'd probably vote Eve, just because Evelyn (and really all names ending in --lyn, legit and contrived) are on their way up the popularity scale. Eve sounds more fresh and interesting.

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  • imagealliejo725:

    I really like both. I like the softer sounds in Evelyn, but I like the simple, clean quality of Eve.

    I'd probably vote Eve, just because Evelyn (and really all names ending in --lyn, legit and contrived) are on their way up the popularity scale. Eve sounds more fresh and interesting.

    My friend just named her baby Eve and I love it!  So refreshing.

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  • Eve may not be popular, but Eva is.  It is a nice name though.  I am considering Evelyn myself, but have been troubled by the rising in popularity.  Looking into it though, I don't think all that many people end up naming their kids Evelyn.  I wish the -lyn thing wasn't so hot right now.  So many made-up names end that way now, but I think those that want the made-up names with -lyn won't go for something as old-fashioned as Evelyn, so Evelyn gets my vote.
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  • Thank you all! Backstory to this question was that my SIL keeps calling DD Evelyn, even though her name is EVE. So I bet her $20 I could ask random strangers which they prefer, and that they'd say Eve was pretty, not "ghetto" as she calls it...cha-ching! Thanks ladies lol
    Cloth-diapering, co-sleeping, breast-feeding, C-section Mama Photobucket
  • I prefer Evelyn, you can always nn Eve!!
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  • Evelyn. Eve is too short and sounds too mature for a baby. I think Evelyn grows well and has more room for NNs.


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  • Love either, but I prefer Evelyn as "Eve" seems like a NN.
  • MAMAxBMAMAxB member
    I prefer Evelyn (I'm biased.. it's my DD's name!)

    I realize it becoming "common" but I know a lot of people having babies right now and none but 1 have chosen it.. at least in my little Midwestern circle :)

    Reason: Eve is too short. I love classic, feminine names.. Evelyn is as perfect for my DD now as when she was a NB and I can see her rocking it at 20.

    We use the nn Evy which is cute for when she's little.
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