
*~*~*Lynchie* ~*~*

Hi!  You are always coming to my rescue - first with SugarBabies, then with the suggestions on where to buy the Baby Jogger online, and now with the work from home/medical billing thing.  Embarrassed  Working from home was never something I would have even considered until now that I know we're having twins.  I always thought I'd work outside of the home with two kids, both in daycare.  But three kids in daycare seems like so much.  I'm planning on takin 6 months off with the twins but only about 4.5 months will be paid.  So after the first 4.5 months, we'll have to decide if we can even afford for me to stay home without pay for another 6 weeks or so.  Anyway, Ithought working from home would be a good way to 1) supplement my income while I'm on maternityh leave and 2) see if I can find something else to do career-wise.  I work in the criminal justice field now so the medical feid is completely foreign to me.  But I feel I can learn anything.  Anyway, I was wondering, what is ACS? 

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Re: *~*~*Lynchie* ~*~*

  • ACS is Afiliated Computer Services, actually they were just bought out by Xerox so they will be changing their name to Xerox soon.    They are literally the largest company you've probabloy never heard of before.  I would say 50% of the time you call a customer service number for a company, you are actually calling ACS, for instance if you have Verizon and you've ever called them, you're not actually calling Verizon, your calling ACS, and the person you're talking to is probably working from their home. 

    I have worked on a couple of their accounts in the past, always from home, and the thing that most people dont realize about working from home is that its actual work.  You wouldnt be able to take care of your babies at the same time, and you would need to remain in front of your computer for the duration of your shift.  Also, all at home work positions still require some in office training for at least a month, if not 3.    So it probably wouldnt be the best for you if you're looking to suppliment your income during your mat leave.   But if you are looking for something you can do after your maternity leave to suppliment your income where you can work from home and still see your babies on breaks and stuff, then it may be worth it for you to look in to it!

    Here's a link to their website and job oppritunities:


    Hope that helps!

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