Cloth Diapering

bwahahaa! Conversation with dh

Me:  I need a scooby doo diaper!  Look!

DH:  No you don't.

Me:  Yes I do, LOOK!  (showing him the picture)

DH:  It's cute.  Who's it by?

Me:  Fluff in the trunk.

DH:  Who?  No.


I have the feeling that if it was a doodle or a bish he would have said yes.  :oD  Not that I would have got it, but it's fun to tease him with the thought that I'm buying more diapers. 

Re: bwahahaa! Conversation with dh

  • I think it's funny that he knows diaper maker names.  DH has NO idea what I am talking about when I say any brands & just looks annoyed.

    DD1 born 5/24/10.

    Missed M/C at 14 wks Feb 2012.

    DD2 born 5/14/13.

    Missed M/C at 9 wks July 2015.

    Expecting someone new 4/17/17.
  • He loves using cds, and I think really started getting into the WAHM world since he collaborated with Sandy on the doodle he got me for Valentine's day.
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  • imagepixy_stix:
    He loves using cds, and I think really started getting into the WAHM world since he collaborated with Sandy on the doodle he got me for Valentine's day.

    That is/was super cute (the doodle). 

    DD1 born 5/24/10.

    Missed M/C at 14 wks Feb 2012.

    DD2 born 5/14/13.

    Missed M/C at 9 wks July 2015.

    Expecting someone new 4/17/17.
  • Lol! That's awesome.

    DH knows what a Goodmama is, but that's about it. He just asks me to separate the "ones that can go under pants" (ie: AI2s) from the "ones that don't have the plastic inside" (ie:fitteds). :p


    image Lucy, 12/27/2009
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  • That is pretty impressive!  My DH is really clueless about the dipes.  Hopefully someday... maybe with the next child... he will show more interest! 
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  • Oh, and on Friday it was DH's birthday and I started talking about diapers and he said, "Honey, please. I love you, but no diaper talk on my birthday."


    image Lucy, 12/27/2009
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • imagejenny1980:

    Oh, and on Friday it was DH's birthday and I started talking about diapers and he said, "Honey, please. I love you, but no diaper talk on my birthday."



    That's hilarious

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  • imagejenny1980:

    Oh, and on Friday it was DH's birthday and I started talking about diapers and he said, "Honey, please. I love you, but no diaper talk on my birthday."


    Lucky!  I've been banned from diaper talk indefinitely! 

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  • I don't think DH knows the brands of any of our diapers.  He knows the difference between a pocket and a prefold, I *think* (he uses them just fine).  And he knows GM as "that crazy diaper lady," because I told him about the drama when it was going down.  I think he's amazed she's still in business, but that's because I haven't told him about the fans.  I've told him about other diaper drama but with no names, because the names seem to annoy him, I think because then he feels like he's expected to keep track of who's who.  And I've definitely not told him that TT is the new GM and that I've scored one with help (or anything about stalking help, because he'd probably get worried that I was going to get scammed).

    I'm impressed that your DH has said that any diaper was cute.  I think mine is still a long way from that.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Ahahahaha, your DH is so funny!  My DH knows GM, TT and Mamamade and voluntarily enters TT contests although he doesn't have the full blown out diaper fever like me.  He needs to work on his wool appreciation skills.  :)
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  • imagejenny1980:

    Oh, and on Friday it was DH's birthday and I started talking about diapers and he said, "Honey, please. I love you, but no diaper talk on my birthday."


    So funny!  The other day, DH and I were discussing which diapers are our favourites for Little V and he said, "See, I've come a long way.  This is the first time we've held a full conversation about cloth diapers that hasn't made me want to kill myself."  I guess that planning for a baby and conducting months of undergraduate research on cloth diaper sustainability made me talk about CDs more than I knew...

    Married to my best friend 6/5/10
    BFP #1 9/7/10, EDD 5/14/11, Violet born 5/27/11.
    BFP #2 4/9/12, EDD 12/16/12, M/C Rory 4/24/12.
    BFP #3 10/6/12, EDD 6/16/12., Matilda born 6/17/13.
  • kdellokdello member


    Mine has figured out that wool is the bees knees and just asked me to buy LO some more shorties from Etsy. Don't mind if I do! (He's a hiker and LOVES wool socks and always has to talk me into buying them even though they cost more, so it totally translated into diaper covers as well!)

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  • You had me at scooby doo. Loved that show, but I always made my sister watch with me because I got scared. It was the early beginnings of scarey movie love!
    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I've resorted to only showing my DH things that I know he'll like. That way I know he'll tell me to get it. I just ordered a soaker with a baseball and bat on the bum, NMS, but I wanted DS to have another soaker. I need to find another means of justifying, but if we ever have a girl, all bets are off!
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  • imagejenny1980:

    Oh, and on Friday it was DH's birthday and I started talking about diapers and he said, "Honey, please. I love you, but no diaper talk on my birthday."


    omg! LMAO! too funny!


  • My husband rolls his eyes when I talk about cloth diapers... However, he was talking to a new dad at work the other day and the guy was complaining on how they had like 3 blow outs in one day, and DH said- switch to cloth... you wont have that problem.   Yes! We are making progress!

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