Hi all,
I just wanted to introduce myself. My husband and I have hit the end of the road with fertility treatments and after much discussion are now looking to adopt. We just started the process with my state's foster-adoption program. We are open to any race or combination of races, either sex but want to stay 3 or younger. We have a 2 year old that is the result of IVF a few years ago and want to stay around her age or younger.
So that's me in a nutshell. Hi
Re: hi - new here, introduction
BFP 12/18/2009. HB 1/4/2010. NO HB 1/18/2010. D&C 1/19/2010
April 2011 IUI #1 BFN. High FSH and other issues.
May 2011 Chose to build our family through adoption
September 2011 Actively waiting for a match
11/26/11 Surprise BFP * DD born 7/23/12
My blog: Making Me Mom