
Some Bleeding...

Last nite I woke up with some clotting and bleeding. We went straight to the doctor this morning and at about 7 weeks pregnant we found out we are expecting twins!! 2 Heart Beats and 2 Heart Rates above 100! Our doctor didn't seem too concerned with the bleeding and she did not find any source of bleeding on the ultrasound. Has anyone else experienced unexplained bleeding? And how long did it last for you? I am so excited but so nervous!

Re: Some Bleeding...

  • I had some unexplained bleeding at 16w, lasted only a few hours and never came up again. My dr said it can happen it isn't "normal" but isn't anything for concern if everything looks fine and as long as it didn't persist they never worried. And it never happened again.
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  • I'm sorry. At 7 weeks I had a subchorionic hemmorhage that they could see and bled for a few days.
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  • Congrats on your twins!

    I had unexplained bleeding/spotting at 13 weeks. It freaked me out but my dr. thought it was most likely due to an irritated cervix (one of my DDs placentas was low lying). I was told to drink plenty of fluids and put my feet up. It only lasted 2 days or so and then I didn't have bleeding anytime after.


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  • imageamy1007:
    I'm sorry. At 7 weeks I had a subchorionic hemmorhage that they could see and bled for a few days.

    I had this as well at 7 weeks. Only lasted about 30 minutes but it was heavy enough for me to want to go in for an ultrasound - which is when I found out I was having twins too. I wonder if that's common for twins?

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  • I had TONS of bleeding for about 3 days around 6 weeks prego.  It was BAD and they could never really find a source and everything always looked good (besides the bleeding of course haha).  I'm now 13w with twins!  GL sweetie! =))

    "I have four children. Two are adopted. I forget which two. -Bob Constantine

    "All for Love,' a Saviour prayed 'Abba Father have Your way. Though they know not what they do...Let the Cross draw men to You...."

  • Funny, because that's how we found out about our twins too! I went in thinking I was miscarrying one and came out knowing there were two in there. The doc just figured it was capillaries bursting from my uterus expanding a little more rapidly. I just took it easy for the next couple of weeks, because I was super paranoid-I bled a little more the week or so after that but not too badly, just more of the same thing I'm assuming. Good luck!
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  • I had a pretty big bleed at 10 weeks with my twins, they were fine, couldn't find where it came from.  Just said it was from left over implantation
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  • I had spotting (not gushes of blood or clots) from week 7 until week 13, every single day.  They never found a source, and just told me I had a friable cervix.  Some days the spotting was so light, other days it was a bit heavier.  The color also varied anywhere from light pink to a pink/red/ to a tan, to a dark brown.  Very scary though
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  • I had heavy red bleeding at 8 weeks and 13 weeks due to an irritated cervix. If you had sex recently, that might have done it. Your cervix is very sensitive right now.
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  • Congrats on your twins!!

    I also had heavy bleeding which happened during my first trimester.  It was very scary the first time, we thought we were loosing the girls.  The doctor checked everything out and it turned out okay- it was just a hemmorage.  He put me on bed rest for a week and warned that it could happen again...which it did about two weeks later. 

    I now have two, healthy, beautiful baby girls.  Good luck to you and enjoy the ride - it is a WONDERFUL experience...we are truly blessed!!

  • imageamy1007:
    I'm sorry. At 7 weeks I had a subchorionic hemmorhage that they could see and bled for a few days.


    Same here~ it came back at 14 weeks too.  All ended well though.  Congrats on the twins!! 

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  • I bled for about 2 weeks between week 5 and 7. The bleeding is actually why I found out so early that I was having twins. My doctor never figured out why I was bleeding but after 2 weeks it stopped and I had no other bleeding problems during my pregnancy. At one point the bleeding was bad enough that if I hadn't had a BFP I would have thought it was my period.
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  • Thank You Everyone for sharing with me! I feel much better hearing your stories-it is such a comfort to my husband and I. What an exciting journey ahead! :)
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