Cloth Diapering

Ecomom restock?

Hi Ladies,


I purchased the $50 voucher for ecomom off family finds today ($25 for $50 at ecomom if anyone is interested). However, a lot of her stuff is out of stock. Anyone know how often she restocks. The voucher expires 12/2011, so no rush to use it. I'm eyeing some of those fitted diapers (kissaluvs are in stock, but wanted to try a few different).


Also, anyone have experience with kissaluv cotton/hemp wipes?



BFP # 1 July 2010 (chemical pregnancy) BFP # 2 September 2010 - EDD June 6, 2011 Missed MC Confirmed 11/8/2010 Pregnancy Ticker

Re: Ecomom restock?

  • ecomom stock varies greatly in my experience. I waited about 6 days for them to get RnG in stock, and then it sold out in about 6 hours. If you email them they will tell you when they expect to stock more items.
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