I am going to make some hemp inserts. Should I buy jersey knit, french terry, or fleece? All are about a 55% hemp and 45% organic cotton.
Also I found this website. https://www.hempfabricshop.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=2&zenid=86d8cc2ccf5ef61a8e4fc1ee82e935b9
Does anyone know a better place (cheaper) to buy hemp? Thanks.
Re: which hemp should I buy and from where?
This isn't going to be super-useful because I have yet to buy hemp fabric, except for some jersey I picked up very cheaply when OBB Diapers was having its supply sell-off last fall. It seems to be the same stuff that my JoeyBunz inserts are made of - pretty thin. I've made some doublers out of it, and like it.
I have not sewn with hemp fleece, but I do have two different kinds of hemp fleece inserts - AFFF and GMD. It is thicker than jersey, about twice as much, it seems. I think my three-layer hemp-fleece inserts also absorb more than my six-layer hemp jersey inserts. I don't know what the cost difference is, though.
<a href="http://s5.photobucket.com/albums/y161/putalittlepolkainyourdot/?action=view
i use hemp fleece and i think i last got it from kidsinthegarden.com
naturesfabrics.com also carries it and there's a 15% off code on FB or if you join the yahoo group there's a 20% off. they just redid their shipping so it could be cheaper from them now.
History of IF and 2.5 years TTC. The day we were to start our first IUI we received a call that changed our lives forever and 10 month old Olivia joined our family. Shortly thereafter we got a surprise BFP and baby 2 is due July 5, 2012
DS born 8/2010 - preliminary stages of SN int'l adoption - fur mama to 2 shelter dogs; cloth diapering, babywearing, EBFing mama