I know a lot of ppl say girls are ready before boys & stuff like that, I haven't read much into PTing so I really don't know much...
DD started saying "poop!" right after she went & then switched to saying it before she would go around 20 months so I got potties to introduce the idea to her when she mentioned it. She was really into sitting on it & 'acting out' the whole thing- sitting, getting TP, pretending to wipe, putting it in the toilet & flushing- but she has never gone on the potty yet & I admittedly get impatient just sitting there forever when I don't think she'll actually go. I do not want to push it esp since her brother shows no interest except once in awhile sitting on it fully clothed & of course taking TP off the roll & flushing it, so I will just keep responding when she says 'poop' and put her on it but I don't want to push it yet. I'd love for them to PT at the same time but maybe that isn't realistic??? Will I have to do it separately? (I guess maybe he'll see her do it & will get interested?) DC starts to do it in the 2 yr old room, which they'll be moved into a few weeks after their bday in August.
Re: did you potty train them at the same time or separately (esp if b/g)
We're pretty much in the same boat here. I bought potties (though, admittedly, they're still in DH's truck), and plan to just do a wait and see approach when they show interest. DD sometimes says Poop! before or immediately after she does it, but it's hit or miss.
I'm not in a big rush and I'm really not sure what daycare does now that they'll be in an "older" kids room. They're on a break right now since I'm off for the summer.
I've heard the same about girls being easier, so I'm kind of hoping that DS feels a little "peer pressure" when he sees big sis using the potty.
We're doing it separately. She was more than ready, and he was (and still is) nowhere near that point. I wasn't going to hold her back because he's not ready for it yet.
I also hoped he would see her going and get into it, but nope. At most he will occasionally want to poop on the potty, but even that's only once every week or two. He did get very excited for her when she first started PT'ing though, and it was adorable to watch him clap and cheer for her every time she went.
I figure he'll be ready when he's ready, and in the meantime it is a lot easier having to deal with only one of them potty training than it would be with both.
I started potty training my girls at the same time, but Caden picked it up first. It was actually nice getting used to one in undies before I had two in undies and we were in the bathroom nonstop.
I used to put the little potty in the living room so they could sit on it and watch tv. That got them used to it, without me sitting in the bathroom with them forever.