I have never experienced a contraction because I wouldn't go into
labor (like not even a little, I wasn't even a full 1cm after 4
medications) after a failed induction. (I know it sounds dumb, but I
would like to at least experience a few so I know what they feel like)
Re: XP: If you had a VBAC
I don't think you are going to get many people recommending a RCS on this board. With that said. I too have not had a contraction or dilated past a 'finger tip", but my sole reason for wanting a VBA2C is for the safety of my baby and I.
No advice on recovery since I have not had a vaginal birth but I can tell you that my RCS was much better than my first C. Even with that I'm still hoping to VBA2C. Good luck!
My VBAC was painful, but not beyond what I could handle. I'm very glad I chose a VBAC. I felt like it was the safest option and I also wanted the experience of pushing out my baby.
Whether to have a VBAC or RCS is a personal choice based on what risks you feel comfortable with and what you want in terms of childbirth, so I wouldn't be able to tell you which is right for you. Only you can decide that. GL!
My recovery from my VBAC was SOOOO much better than my c/s. I did tear, but the recovery was still like nothing else. Less than an hour after I delivered, I had used the bathroom, cleaned up, and put on my own pajamas. A far cry from an hour after my c/s where they had to sedate me in recovery because I was having some adverse reaction to one of the medications they gave me.
With my c/s, I didn't get to touch my son until 3 hours after birth, my incision got infected, I had an allergic reaction to the pain meds, etc, etc.
None of that happened with my VBAC. I left the hospital 24 hours after the birth, was able to pick up and snuggle my toddler when I got home, had the energy to play with him, run up and down stairs, and drive. I think the whole family benefited from my VBAC.
The c/s recovery was harder. Just being able to pick up my 2yo was worth it.
4 days after my c/s I was still in the hospital and could barely hobble around. 4 days after my vbac I was at the park with my family - not moving super fast, but not in any real pain, and I had a 2nd degree tear.
If you have regrets about your c/s, I recommend ICAN. The meetings or online support can be great for helping you feel like you're not alone if you're surrounded by people saying stupid things like "well, you have a healthy baby, that's all that counts" (a healthy baby is most important, yes, but your emotions/feelings count too).
First, I'd like to say it does not sound dumb that you'd like to feel labor. I was curious and kinda looking forward to sharing this experience nearly every mom I've ever met has been through, too. I don't think there's anything dumb or weird about that, even though now, having felt it, I can say that I'm not a fan?.
Which was worse? It depends what you mean by worse. For a woman who wants to actively push her baby out, a cesarean would be worse. For a woman who wants to get it over with any way possible, a vaginal could be worse. I mean, a cesarean takes about 15 minutes and you don't feel a thing. Cesarean recoveries tend to be longer than vaginal birth recoveries, but involve different pain in different places. Some women consider hemorrhoids and tearing 'down there' to be worse than an abdominal scar. Others want to be up and about more quickly than a cesarean recovery allows. Both have risks, and different women weigh those risks differently.
There is no one answer to which is worse, and no way I could recommend one or the other without knowing you and your situation. I can only tell you that I had my own reasons for choosing VBAC, and I'm glad I did it. I was coming home to a toddler as well as my newborn, and I knew she wouldn't understand why I couldn't pick her up, why she couldn't jump all over me, etc. For me, a long labor was easier to manage than a long recovery.
My c-section was horrible but my natural deliveries were great! They really really hurt, don't get me wrong, but they were tolerable.
I am choosing a VBAC this time around